Machinery Manufacturing Industry Becomes Top Choice of PEs


On China (Guangdong) Finance, Technology and Industry Integration and Innovation Meeting 2011 held in Foshan, Gavin Ni, Chairman of Zero2IPO Group expressed that machinery manufacturing industry has been the top choice for PE investors with a total of 62 investments completed in this year, 2.82 times of the same period of the previous year.

According to the statistics of Zero2IPO Group, there were 204 PE funds completed fundraising in the past 11 months this year, a 175.7% increase from a year earlier, hitting a new high in term of the number of fundraising. The capital raised amounted to US$33.58B, a year-on-year increase of 27.2%.

The PE investment deals were distributed in 23 grade 1 industries in the first 11 months of 2011, and machinery manufacturing ranked atop with a total of 62 investment deals, 2.82 times of the same period of the previous year, followed by raw chemicals and processing industry with 55 investments, 4.58 times of the same period of 2010. Bio/Healthcare industry, the hot spot field for investments in 2010, slid to the third place with a year-on-year growth of 10.2%.

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