SouthGobi (HKG:1878) Starts Up DCHF at Ovoot Tolgoi Mine


SouthGobi Resources Ltd. (HKG:1878) has announced the successful commissioning and startup of the dry coal-handling facility (DCHF) at its Ovoot Tolgoi coal mine in southern Mongolia.

The DCHF has a capacity to process 9 million tonnes of run-of-mine (ROM) coal per year. The facility includes a 300-tonne-capacity dump hopper, which will receive ROM coal to feed a rotary breaker and screens that will size coal to a maximum of 50 millimetres and reject oversize ash.

The DCHF will be upgraded during 2012 to include dry air separation, as well as covered load-out conveyors with fan stackers to transfer processed coals to stockpiles that will enable blending.

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