Goldman gets nod for control of top China meat firm

A consortium led by Goldman Sachs has won final approval from Beijing to take control of China's top meat-processing firm, the Chinese company said.

Under agreements signed in the first half of 2006, Rotary Vortex, in which the Wall Street bank holds a 51 percent stake, is buying 100 percent of Shuanghui Group, which holds a 35.72 percent interest in Henan Shuanghui Investment & Development Co. It is also acquiring a 25 percent stake in Shuanghui Investment from another major shareholder, giving it a 60.72 percent stake in the listed company.

The 2.59 billion yuan ($334 million) deal, which had been approved previously by the commerce ministry and the State Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), now has the blessing of the country's top securities regulator.


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