Jiangxi Taina Nanfeng Orange Co.Ltd. Enters Into Wine Market

Jiangxi Taina Nanfeng Orange Co. Ltd., a Chinese company engaged in the planting and marketing of oranges and orange related products, announced that it has entered into series of agreements with some domestic companies recently.

On January 23, the Company signed a red wine processing agreement with the Shenzhen Loulan Red Wine Company Ltd for the period from February 1, 2007 to February 1, 2008. The Company will provide fruits processing to Shenzhen Loulan Red Wine Company Limited.

On February 6, the company and the Liaoning Shenyang Yunpeng Fruits Limited signed a letter of intent for selling the Taina-branded Nanfeng tangerine orange in 2007. The company has recognized the Liaoning-based company as its general distributor of the Taina-branded Nanfeng tangerine orange in the three provinces in Northeast China.

On February 8, the company signed a letter of intent for selling the Taina-branded Nanfeng tangerine orange in 2007 with the Inner Mongolian Manchuria Menglin Fruits Limited. The company has recognized the Manchuria- based company as its general distributor of the Taina-branded Nanfeng tangerine orange to be exported to Russia.

Shenzhen Loulan Red Wine Company Ltd was established on June 2002, and it is the subsidiary company of Xinjiang Loulan Wine Holding (HK 8039) focused on the sales and marketing in China. Liaoning Shenyang Yunpeng Fruits Limited is a Liaoning-based company which deals with fruits planting, processing and trading. Inner Mongolian Manchuria Menglin Fruits Limited is a Manchuria-based company, and its business covers fruits processing, fruits export and import.


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