China's beer output largest in world for 4 years

China's produced 35.15 million kiloliters of beer in 2006, 14.7 percent more than in 2005; all large enterprises in the industry realized a sales income of more than 83.88 billion, up 16.37 percent from 2005, making a total profit of 3.676 billion yuan.

As consumer demand rises, production grows to meet demand. The industry is expected to maintain its growth rate of 10 percent per annum over the next two years; according to the product structure, lighter beers will be the most popular in the market.

China's beer industry is in the latter stages of a reshuffle, said He, with the competition pattern stabilized and the sector streamlined. In 2006, China's 8 beer makers recorded a profit tax of over 500 million yuan and made up 44.6 and 44 percent of the production and output value of the whole sector.

The huge market potential is drawing more and more beer enterprises to China, and another reshuffle will gradually occur in the beer industry.


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