SABMiller Volumes Rise 10% on China, South America


SABMiller Plc, the brewer of Pilsner Urquell and Miller Lite, said it sold 10 percent more beer in its past fiscal year, excluding the effects of acquisitions, as demand increased in South America and China.

Earnings in the year ended March 31 met company forecasts, London-based SABMiller said today in a Regulatory News Service statement. The revenue gains were ``partially offset'' by higher raw material costs and spending on operations, SABMiller said. The increase in annual volumes beat the 9 percent gain forecast by JPMorgan Chase & Co. in a note dated March 21.

SABMiller has increased spending in South America and Asia to win market share from Anheuser-Busch Cos. and InBev NV as Americans and western Europeans drink less beer. The brewer said in January it will invest $1.8 billion in South America over the next five years to increase capacity and improve distribution.

In Asia and Africa, volumes excluding acquisitions increased 27 percent, driven by demand in China. In Europe, annual volumes gained 11 percent on that basis, rising 15 percent in the fourth quarter.



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