Tientsin Port: Wine Export Increased By 90%


Tientsin port's wine export increased largely. Tientsin port's wine import was 14.738 million liters by volume and $7.208 million by value in the first quarter of this year. There were increases in volume and value of 92.4% and 87.45% above that to the corresponding period of  last year.

The main import markets in Tientsin port were Australia (6.691million liters with an increase of 9000 liters), Chile (5.174 million liters with 69 times above that of the corresponding of the last year) and EU (2.601 million liters with a decrease by 56.7%).

Enterprises with foreign investment were dominant in Tientsin wine market. Exclusively foreign-owned enterprises imported wine 13.993 million liters by volume in the first quarter which was 1.2 times more than that of last year. It accounted for 94.9% of the total imported wine in the same period in Tientsin port.

Tientsin custom analysts considered that there were three main reasons for the largely increase in imported wine. First, the tariff was reduced sharply. Second, the sustained increase of demand for top grade wine in domestic market. Third, the foreign wine enterprises were attracted by the large potential in wine market and the huge profit from it.


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