The sales of French wine soared in Fujian Market


Wine consumption increased in Fujian. In 2006, Quanzhou, Fujian, sold 2 million bottles of wine. Sale of wine has smashed 1.8 million bottles in the first half of this year. It's expected to sell 3 million bottles this year. Because French wine which caters to the concept of wine culture and healthy life of Chinese people is fashionable and healthy. French Castel wine takes advantage of its long history, culture, health and moderate prices to be the first choice of Quanzhou local dinner party of business circles.

French Castel wine is made from the best grapes in France. The whole process from harvest of grapes to ferment to packing is concerned with details. Its color, tasting, flavor and healthy contents cater to Chinese people. Therefore, French Castel bulk wine is more and more welcomed by elites of business circles.



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