Since China's entry into WTO, along with the boom of China's automobile industry, auto parts industry has maintained continuous and fast increase, higher than that of cars, passenger cars and trucks, and ranks the first among the 12 sub-industries of auto industry. This shows the tremendous value of investments in auto parts industry.
In 2005, the output and sales of auto vehicles in China exceed 5.7 million sets. Inventory of auto vehicles has been increasing every year and exceeds 25 million sets. China has become the second largest auto consumption country and tries to become the third largest auto manufacturing country. Being the basis of auto industry, auto parts industry is exposed to such a huge market of accessories and after-sale and getting more and more attention from investors both abroad and at home. This has resulted in a fast growth of auto parts industry.
In 2005, China's auto parts industry has developed rapidly and has reached an output of more than 400 billion RMB. Meanwhile, China's auto export has experienced a turning point in history. Along with the rapid increase of whole-vehicle export, auto parts export increases fast, with an export volume as high as 15.235 billion US dollars, up by 75.11% as compared with the same period of last year. It is known that China will try to maintain an annual increase of over 40% for automobiles and parts exports during the "Eleventh Five-year Plan", and reach 70 billion US dollars in 2010.
According to the latest forecast of the total demand in China's market, conducted by the Industry Economy Research Department of State Council Development Research Centre, inventory of domestic automobile will reach 56.69 million sets in 2010 and 131.03 million sets in 2020. The figure indicates the promising prospects of the domestic auto market in the long run and lays a foundation for development of auto parts industry.
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2005-2007 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved
Since China's entry into WTO, along with the boom of China's automobile industry, auto parts industry has maintained continuous and fast increase, higher than that of cars, passenger cars and trucks, and ranks the first among the 12 sub-industries of auto industry. This shows the tremendous value of investments in auto parts industry.
In 2005, the output and sales of auto vehicles in China exceed 5.7 million sets. Inventory of auto vehicles has been increasing every year and exceeds 25 million sets. China has become the second largest auto consumption country and tries to become the third largest auto manufacturing country. Being the basis of auto industry, auto parts industry is exposed to such a huge market of accessories and after-sale and getting more and more attention from investors both abroad and at home. This has resulted in a fast growth of auto parts industry.
In 2005, China's auto parts industry has developed rapidly and has reached an output of more than 400 billion RMB. Meanwhile, China's auto export has experienced a turning point in history. Along with the rapid increase of whole-vehicle export, auto parts export increases fast, with an export volume as high as 15.235 billion US dollars, up by 75.11% as compared with the same period of last year. It is known that China will try to maintain an annual increase of over 40% for automobiles and parts exports during the "Eleventh Five-year Plan", and reach 70 billion US dollars in 2010.
According to the latest forecast of the total demand in China's market, conducted by the Industry Economy Research Department of State Council Development Research Centre, inventory of domestic automobile will reach 56.69 million sets in 2010 and 131.03 million sets in 2020. The figure indicates the promising prospects of the domestic auto market in the long run and lays a foundation for development of auto parts industry.
2005-2006 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved |
1 Basic Definition of Auto Parts Industry 2. Analysis of Industry Operation 2.1 Overview of Market Development 2.2 Analysis of Auto Parts Export 2.3 Analysis of Problems and Gaps 2.4 Strategy of Industry Development3 Analysis of Development Trends of Auto Parts Industry 3.1 Changes of Relations between Auto Parts Industry and Complete Vehicle Manufacturers 3.2 Technology Development Trends 3.3 Development Trends of Products' Value Structure 3.4 Development Trends of Industry Structure 3.5 Future Development Direction 4 SWOT Analysis on China's Auto Parts Industry 4.1 Advantage Analysis 4.2 Disadvantage Analysis 4.3 Opportunities and Challenges 5. Overview and Analysis of Relations between Auto Parts and Auto Compound 5.1 Development Mode of China's Auto Parts Industry 5.2 Auto Industry Pulls Parts Industry Development 5.2.1 Regional Auto Industry Development Pulls Parts Industry Development 5.2.2 Maintenance Pulls Parts Industry Development 6. Two Common Relations and Comparison between Complete Vehicle Manufacturers and Parts Manufacturers 6.1 Parallel Supply Mode Represented by US and EU 6.2 Tower Development Mode Represented by Japan and Korea 6.3 Comparison between Parallel Mode and Tower Mode 7. Current Relations between Auto Parts and Compound in China 7.1 Multi-National Parts Manufacturers Swam into China 7.2 Current Status of Relations between Domestic Complete Vehicle Manufacturers and Parts Manufacturers 7.3 Major Problems Existed in the Relations between Domestic Complete Vehicle Manufacturers and Parts Manufacturers 8. Prospects of Relations between China's Parts Manufacturers and Compound Manufacturers 8.1 Improve Current Relations 8.2 Individual-Run Enterprises Become Stronger 8.3 Advantages of Foreign Capitals Will Shrink 8.4 Develop Relations between Auto Parts Manufacturers and Compound Manufacturers, with Chinese Characteristics 9. Analysis of Industry Segmentation Markets 9.1 Analysis of Engine Market, 2005 9.1.2 General Analysis of Engine Market, 2005 9.1.3 Forecast of Engine Market, 2006 9.1.4 Problems Posed to Auto Engine Industry 9.2 Analysis of Automobile Electronic Market 9.2.1 Analysis of Automobile Electronic Market, 2005 9.2.2 Analysis of Automobile Electronic Enterprises Market, 2005 9.2.3 Development Trends of China's Automobile Electronic Industry 9.2.4 Problems Posed to Development of China's Automobile Electronic Industry 9.2.5. Strategy of Development Promotion of China's Automobile Electronics Industry 10 Forecasts and Analysis of Development Environment 10.1 Analysis of Development Environment of Auto Compound Industry 10.2 Forecast of Development Trends of Auto Compound Industry 11. Analysis of Investment Value and Risks 11.1 Analysis of Investment Value 11.2 Analysis of Investment Risks 11.2.1 Risks Posed by Up and Downstream Industries 11.2.2 Price Risks of Products 11.2.3 Price Risks of Raw Materials |
2005-2006 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved |
Forecast of Market Sales Scale of Parts Industry, 2006 Changes Trends of Parts Suppliers, 2005-2010 Development Trends of Global Parts Suppliers SWOT Chart of Parts Industry Changes of Gross Industrial Output of Automobile Parts Industry, 2005 Changes of Gross Industrial Sales Output of Automobile Parts Industry, 2005 Distribution of Sales Income of Parts Manufacturers, 2005 Overview of Newly Signed Joint Ventures for Parts, 2004 Increase of Parts Export Delivered, 1H 2005 Export Products Structure of Automobile Parts Manufacturers, 2004 Changes of the ratio of Export Delivery Value to Delivery Value of Storage Battery Manufacturers, 1H 2005 Changes of the Ratio of Export Delivery Value to Delivery Value of Auto Electronic Manufacturers, 1H 2005 Changes of the Ratio of Export Delivery Value to Delivery Value of Auto Filter Manufacturers, 1H 2005 Analysis of Regional Structure of Auto Parts Export, 2004 Diagram of Relations between Auto Parts Industry and Complete Vehicle Manufacturers in China Diagram of Parallel Supply Mode Represented by US and EU
2005-2008 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved