Benefiting from petrochemical and chemical industry's recovering, the prosperity of chemical fiber industry will last to 2006. And the world market share of China's chemical fiber will reach to 30% or above.
Chemical fiber industry is a well-developed industry. However, due to the low concentration, repeated low-level construction projects pouring in, caused a fierce competition. High technology content, functional fiber will be the trend.
Chemical fiber's producing and sales are affected by the regions Five coastal provinces possess 50% of the chemical fiber's consumption, with Jiangsu and Zhejiang province represent one-third. In order to enhance the industry's ability to against risks and make the industry more independent, the integration of upstream with downstream is the development trend.
Polyamide fiber's raw material mainly depends on import, with the proportion of two-third, .and due to the domestic products' technical content is low therefore, industrialized products' development and application will be the trend.
Urethane elastic fiber depends much on import as well, with the proportion of one-third. Low market-entry barrier and high gross profit attracted lots of projects put into production, which leads to the increase of supply. As domestic demand has been rising by 20% per year, the surplus therefore was not serious in recent years. And Functional urethane elastic fiber's demanding is more than general fiber, the general products' profit deduced gradually.
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2005-2007 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved
Benefiting from petrochemical and chemical industry's recovering, the prosperity of chemical fiber industry will last to 2006. And the world market share of China's chemical fiber will reach to 30% or above.
Chemical fiber industry is a well-developed industry. However, due to the low concentration, repeated low-level construction projects pouring in, caused a fierce competition. High technology content, functional fiber will be the trend.
Chemical fiber's producing and sales are affected by the regions Five coastal provinces possess 50% of the chemical fiber's consumption, with Jiangsu and Zhejiang province represent one-third. In order to enhance the industry's ability to against risks and make the industry more independent, the integration of upstream with downstream is the development trend.
Polyamide fiber's raw material mainly depends on import, with the proportion of two-third, .and due to the domestic products' technical content is low therefore, industrialized products' development and application will be the trend.
Urethane elastic fiber depends much on import as well, with the proportion of one-third. Low market-entry barrier and high gross profit attracted lots of projects put into production, which leads to the increase of supply. As domestic demand has been rising by 20% per year, the surplus therefore was not serious in recent years. And Functional urethane elastic fiber's demanding is more than general fiber, the general products' profit deduced gradually.
2005-2006 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved |
1.Industrial products classification 1.1 Definition of chemical fiber 1.2 Industry and products classification 2.Characteristics of China's chemical fiber industry 2.1 China has become the largest chemical fiber producing country. 2.2 The industry represents a periodicity, 2004 and 2005 are the most prosperous years 2.3 Concentration level of chemical fiber industry is low, however it is being improved 2.4 Sophisticated and monopolistic industry 2.5 Products of the industry have the characteristics of complementarity and substitution. 2.6 Products sales and purchases are affected by seasons 2.7 The production and sales are affected by regions 2.8 The integration level of landscape with portrait is low, raw material is mainly rely on external 2.9 The industry represents an elastic demand, and the demand fluctuating in a wide range. 3.Analysis of chemical fiber industry's competition structure 3.1 Competitors in the same industry 3.2 Industry's potential entrants and entry barrier 3.3 Substitutes producers 3.4 Supplier's bargaining power–lightweight raw material purchase of chemical fiber industry. 3.5 Purchaser's bargaining power 4.Viscose fiber 4.1 viscose fiber's characteristics and classification 4.2 Production process of viscose 4.3 Cost structure of viscose fiber 4.4 Output of China's viscose. 4.5 Long viscose rayon's development 4.6 Short viscose rayon 5.Terylene 5.1 Overview of the industry 5.2 Current status of the Industry 5.3 External factors affect the Industry (technology, government, society, census, and influences from abroad). 5.4 Demand analysis. 5.5 Supply analysis. 5.6 Supply/demand analysis. 6.Polyacrylonitrile (polyacrylonitrile fiber) 6.1 Products development 6.2 Products characteristics 6.3 Introduction to the Industry 6.4 Cost structure 6.5 Analysis of polyacrylonitrile's demand 6.6 Price factors of polyacrylonitrile 7.Polyamide fiber 7.1 Polyamide's development 7.2 Polyamide's characteristics 7.3 Production process 7.4 Cost structure 7.5 Price factors 8.Urethane elastic fiber 8.1 Urethane elastic fiber's development 8.2 Urethane elastic fiber's performance 8.3 Production process 8.4 Cost structure 8.5 Price factors 8.6 Analysis of supply and demand |
2005-2006 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved |
China's share in world chemical fiber's output. Various chemical fibers' output in China, 2002-2004 Increasing trend of chemical fiber's output, in past years. Prosperities of various chemicals. Import volume of main synthetic fiber raw materials Price trend of viscose fiber and cotton. Price trend of cotton, short fiber of polyacrylonitrile and short terylene. Chemical fiber output of China and of the world, 2003. Price trend of the third class cotton and short fiber of viscose, July, 2002– July, 2004. Sales revenue and total profits, 2000-the second quarter of 2004. Competition characteristics of the competitor in China's chemical fiber industry Cost structure of viscose fiber Total cost of viscose fiber External factors of Terylene industry Urethane elastic fiber's supply and demand table
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