The prices of semiconductor are fluctuating now and then because of continual advent of new products and the shortened lifecycle. In view of the cost of a complete semiconductor product, expense on packaging accounts for 5 to 25 percentage of market price of one semiconductor unit; however, as technology advances, the proportion of packaging cost to the whole cost becomes higher. Therefore, most clients of international semiconductor venders care more about the quality of packaging, yield and terms of delivery. The packaging technology becomes so complicated and so many packaging methods available that add trouble to one single international semiconductor company of IDM to meet the increasing market demand. As a result, outsourced packaging becomes the mainstream.
In the outsourced packaging and test market, large international IDM companies shift their attention to core advantages such as design, R&D and marketing when facing fierce competition results from the rapid updating of products. Meanwhile, large international IDM companies become far less profitable under the influence of universal recession in the industry. Therefore, they sharply decrease their capital expense on semiconductor produce capacity and are rather conservative in extending produce capacity of backend packaging. Meanwhile World class package foundries continually invest in new technology R&D as advanced package demands are brought about by new IC products. As a result, large international IDM companies are more dependent upon advanced packaging technology of package and test foundries. The market scale of outsourced IC packaging, as estimated, is to grow up to USD13.1 billion in 2006. As international IDM companies speed up outsourced processing worldwide, CAGR will reach 168% between 2003 and 2009. According to ETP, market share of specific package foundry companies in package market increased from 27.2% in 2004 to 29.5% in 2005, and will increase to 31.1% in 2006, 32% in 2007 and 33% in 2008. Their total package also increased, from 28,860,000 units in 2004 to 31,830,000 units in 2005, and will increase from 37,190,000 units in 2006 to 43,060,000 units in 2007 then 49,240,000 units in 2008.
Outsourced packaging e.g. BGA, CSP, FC, QFN and SiP are all fairly advanced. To enter the field, large investment (at least one billion RMB) is needed to purchase equipment and conduct technological R&D. Without enough capital and strong technological R&D capability, it is quite impossible to enter this field. So only big enterprises may go somewhere and only a few may have a place in package. As a result, supply never meets demand in package market. Therefore, advanced package companies get a higher gross profit margin. Gross profit margins of most companies have an increment from about 6% in 2001 to 20-35% at present. Naturally their revenues also increased by a large margin. Such case may only happen to advanced package industry in electronic industry.
In the following diagram, SPIL is short for Siliconware Precision Industries Co., Ltd, so do STTS,STATS ChipPAC Ltd; AMKR represents Amkor Technology Inc and ASX is abbr. for Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Incorporated; IMOS stands for ChipMos technologies Ltd and finally ASTSF is ASE Test Ltd, a member of ASE (ASX) Group.
Gross Profit margin of Global Top Six Packaging and Test Companies, 2005

Gross Profit margin of Global Top Six Packaging and Test Companies, 2006Q1

Global Top Ten Packaging Companies, 2005
No. |
company |
Headquarters |
Revenue 2005
(million USD) |
04/05 CAGR |
1 |
ASE Global |
Taiwan |
2582 |
33% |
2 |
Amkor |
2100 |
22% |
3 |
Taiwan |
1338 |
47% |
4 |
Singapore |
1157 |
81% |
5 |
Taiwan |
482 |
94% |
6 |
Taiwan |
347 |
7 |
Singapore |
325 |
8 |
Taiwan |
318 |
9 |
Malaysia |
264 |
14% |
10 |
Taiwan |
216 |
41% |
Taiwan is gradually becoming a power in the packaging and test . Among the global top ten packaging and test companies, six are from Taiwan, all of which are performing well in both revenues and profits. If ranking by profit scale, nine Taiwan package and test companies may be listed in top-ten. So it can be concluded that global advanced packaging and test companies inhabit in Taiwan. However, Japanese often do well in the IC substrate field, so close business relationship between Taiwan and Japan is built as Japan companies transfer their technologies to Taiwan when an inadequate production capacity takes place. Actually 95% of electronic technologies in Taiwan, including packaging but not limited to, are from Japan.
With simultaneous complete master of both global advanced IC wafer foundry and IC advanced packaging technologies, Taiwan achieves best performance in the semiconductor industry worldwide and has become the heart of global semiconductor industry.
Taiwan's large packaging and test companies often merge and purchase small ones when developing. On average each company merges or acquires at least three small companies. For instance ChipMos Technology Ltd has merged and acquired seven in five years. Or incorporate virtual group is formed such as Mosel Vitelic Inc, most of its member company deal with packaging & test. With their own know-how, they compete nice and well in the market. Many rank No. 1 in their respective fields and are very competitive. Sound in capital market and excellent in integrating, Taiwan companies are quite successful in merge and acquisition, which contributes a lot in the overall success of Taiwan packaging and test industry.
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2005-2007 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved
The prices of semiconductor are fluctuating now and then because of continual advent of new products and the shortened lifecycle. In view of the cost of a complete semiconductor product, expense on packaging accounts for 5 to 25 percentage of market price of one semiconductor unit; however, as technology advances, the proportion of packaging cost to the whole cost becomes higher. Therefore, most clients of international semiconductor venders care more about the quality of packaging, yield and terms of delivery. The packaging technology becomes so complicated and so many packaging methods available that add trouble to one single international semiconductor company of IDM to meet the increasing market demand. As a result, outsourced packaging becomes the mainstream.
In the outsourced packaging and test market, large international IDM companies shift their attention to core advantages such as design, R&D and marketing when facing fierce competition results from the rapid updating of products. Meanwhile, large international IDM companies become far less profitable under the influence of universal recession in the industry. Therefore, they sharply decrease their capital expense on semiconductor produce capacity and are rather conservative in extending produce capacity of backend packaging. Meanwhile World class package foundries continually invest in new technology R&D as advanced package demands are brought about by new IC products. As a result, large international IDM companies are more dependent upon advanced packaging technology of package and test foundries. The market scale of outsourced IC packaging, as estimated, is to grow up to USD13.1 billion in 2006. As international IDM companies speed up outsourced processing worldwide, CAGR will reach 168% between 2003 and 2009. According to ETP, market share of specific package foundry companies in package market increased from 27.2% in 2004 to 29.5% in 2005, and will increase to 31.1% in 2006, 32% in 2007 and 33% in 2008. Their total package also increased, from 28,860,000 units in 2004 to 31,830,000 units in 2005, and will increase from 37,190,000 units in 2006 to 43,060,000 units in 2007 then 49,240,000 units in 2008.
Outsourced packaging e.g. BGA, CSP, FC, QFN and SiP are all fairly advanced. To enter the field, large investment (at least one billion RMB) is needed to purchase equipment and conduct technological R&D. Without enough capital and strong technological R&D capability, it is quite impossible to enter this field. So only big enterprises may go somewhere and only a few may have a place in package. As a result, supply never meets demand in package market. Therefore, advanced package companies get a higher gross profit margin. Gross profit margins of most companies have an increment from about 6% in 2001 to 20-35% at present. Naturally their revenues also increased by a large margin. Such case may only happen to advanced package industry in electronic industry.
In the following diagram, SPIL is short for Siliconware Precision Industries Co., Ltd, so do STTS,STATS ChipPAC Ltd; AMKR represents Amkor Technology Inc and ASX is abbr. for Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Incorporated; IMOS stands for ChipMos technologies Ltd and finally ASTSF is ASE Test Ltd, a member of ASE (ASX) Group.
Gross Profit margin of Global Top Six Packaging and Test Companies, 2005

Gross Profit margin of Global Top Six Packaging and Test Companies, 2006Q1

Global Top Ten Packaging Companies, 2005
No. |
company |
Headquarters |
Revenue 2005
(million USD) |
04/05 CAGR |
1 |
ASE Global |
Taiwan |
2582 |
33% |
2 |
Amkor |
2100 |
22% |
3 |
Taiwan |
1338 |
47% |
4 |
Singapore |
1157 |
81% |
5 |
Taiwan |
482 |
94% |
6 |
Taiwan |
347 |
7 |
Singapore |
325 |
8 |
Taiwan |
318 |
9 |
Malaysia |
264 |
14% |
10 |
Taiwan |
216 |
41% |
Taiwan is gradually becoming a power in the packaging and test . Among the global top ten packaging and test companies, six are from Taiwan, all of which are performing well in both revenues and profits. If ranking by profit scale, nine Taiwan package and test companies may be listed in top-ten. So it can be concluded that global advanced packaging and test companies inhabit in Taiwan. However, Japanese often do well in the IC substrate field, so close business relationship between Taiwan and Japan is built as Japan companies transfer their technologies to Taiwan when an inadequate production capacity takes place. Actually 95% of electronic technologies in Taiwan, including packaging but not limited to, are from Japan.
With simultaneous complete master of both global advanced IC wafer foundry and IC advanced packaging technologies, Taiwan achieves best performance in the semiconductor industry worldwide and has become the heart of global semiconductor industry.
Taiwan's large packaging and test companies often merge and purchase small ones when developing. On average each company merges or acquires at least three small companies. For instance ChipMos Technology Ltd has merged and acquired seven in five years. Or incorporate virtual group is formed such as Mosel Vitelic Inc, most of its member company deal with packaging & test. With their own know-how, they compete nice and well in the market. Many rank No. 1 in their respective fields and are very competitive. Sound in capital market and excellent in integrating, Taiwan companies are quite successful in merge and acquisition, which contributes a lot in the overall success of Taiwan packaging and test industry.
2005-2006 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved |
1. Overview of Global PCB and Packaging Industry 1.1 Global PCB Industry 1.2 Global Packaging and Test Market 1.3 Global Key Packaging and Test Manufacturers 1.4 Taiwan's Packaging and Test Industry2. Overview of IC substrate Packaging Market 2.1 IC substrate Packaging Market 2.2 Downstream Product Market of IC substrate Packaging 2.3 LCD Drive IC Packaging Market 3. Brief Introduction of Advanced Packaging 3.1 History of IC substrate Packaging 3.2 BGA Packaging 3.2.1 Concept of BGA 3.2.2 Advantages and Processes of BGA Packaging 3.2.3 PBGA 3.2.4 CBGA 3.2.5 TBGA 3.3 GSP Packaging 3.3.1 WL-CSP Packaging 3.3.2 Applications of WL-CSP 3.3.3 Processes of WL-CSP 3.4 FC Packaging 3.4.1 Concept of FC Packaging 3.4.2 Processes of FC Packaging 3.5 QFN Packaging 3.6 SiP Packaging 4. Advanced Packaging Material Industry and Market 4.1 Golden Thread 4.2 IC Substrate 5. Advanced Packaging Manufacturers 5.1 ASE (Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Incorporated) 5.2 Amkor (Amkor Technology Inc) 5.3 SPIL (Siliconware Precision Industries Co., Ltd) 5.4 STTS (STATS ChipPAC Ltd) 5.5 PPt (Phoenix Precision Technology Corporation) 5.6 Nan Ya PCB 5.7 Kinsus (Kinsus Interconnect Technology Corp.) 5.8 PTI (Power Technology Inc.) 5.9 ChipMos (ChipMos Technology Ltd) 5.10 KYEC (King Yuan Electronics Co., Ltd) 5.11 Chipsbank (Chipsbank Microelectronics Co., Ltd) 5.12 IST (International Semiconductor Technology Ltd) 5.13 UTAC (United Test and Assembly Center Ltd) 5.14 Carsem 5.15 IBIDEN (IBIDEN Co., Ltd) 5.16 Shinko (Shinko Electronic Co., Ltd) 5.17 Jiangyin Changjiang Electronics Co., Ltd 5.18 GAPT (Global Advanced Packaging Technology Limited) (Shanghai) 5.19 Unimicron (Unimicron Technology Corp.)
2005-2006 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved |
Proportion of Global PCB Production Value by Technology Types, 2005 Production Value of Global PCB by Regions, 2005 Production Value of Global PCB by Their Belonging Regions, 2005 Market Scale of the Packaging and Test Industry, 2003-2009 Market Scale of Specific Packaging and Test Industries, 2003-2009 Proportion of Outsourced Packaging and Test, 2003-2009 Proportion and Estimated Proportion of Various Packaging Forms, 2003-2008 Quarterly Revenues of Global Top Five Packaging and Test Manufacturers, 2000Q1-2005Q4 Growth Rate in Revenues of Global Top Six Packaging and Test Manufacturers, 2005 Growth Rate in Income of Global Top Six Packaging and Test Manufacturers, 2006Q1 Gross Profit margins of Global Top Six Packaging and Test Manufacturers, 2005 Gross Profit margins of Global Top Six Packaging and Test Manufacturers, 2006Q1 Operation Profit Rate of Global Top Six Packaging and Test Manufacturers, 2005 Operation Profit Rate of Global Top Six Packaging and Test Manufacturers, 2006Q1 Net Profit Rate of Global Top Six Packaging and Test Manufacturers, 2005 Net Profit Rate of Global Top Six Packaging and Test Manufacturers, 2006Q1 Semiconductor Industrial Chain of Taiwan Market Scale and Forecast of Global IC substrate Market, 2001-2007 Proportion of Global IC substrate Production Value by Regions, 2005-2006 Market Scale and Forecast of Global IC substrate Market in Taiwan, 2001-2007 Proportion and Forecast of Global IC substrate by Technology Types, 2003-2007 Growth Rate in Production Value of FC, PBGA and CSP, 2004-2007 Forecast of DRAM Memory Shipments and Its Average Price, 2006Q1-2007Q4 Forecast of DRAM Memory Demand & Supply, 2006Q1-2007Q4 Forecast of NAND Memory Shipments and Its Average Price, 2006Q1-2007Q4 Forecast of NAND Memory Demand & Supply, 2006Q1-2007Q4 Estimated Market Share of Global Memories by Shipments, 2006 Quarterly Demand and Supply in LCD Drive IC Golden Bump Industry, 2005Q1-2006Q4 Quarterly Demand and Supply in LCD Drive IC TCP/COF/COG Industry, 2005Q1-2006Q4 Market Share of Global Packaging Golden Thread, 2005 Market Share of Global Packaging Tinball Material, 2005 Revenues of ASE, 2001-2005 Gross Profit of ASE, 2001-2005 Market Value of ASE, 2001-2005 Structure of ASE Fiscal Status of ASE, 2005Q1-2006Q1 Fiscal Status of ASE's Packaging Segment, 2005Q1-2006Q1 Status Quo of ASE's Packaging Technologies Revenues of Amkor, 1985-2005 Structure of SPIL Revenues and Gross Profit Margins of SPIL, 2001-2006 Regional Distribution of SPIL's Revenues, 2005Q4-2006Q1 Downstream Application Structure of SPIL's Products, 2005Q4-2006Q1 Revenue Structure of STTS, 2003-2005 Downstream Application Structure of STTS' Products, 2003-2005 Regional Distribution of STTS' Revenues, 2003-2005 Turnover of PPt, 1997-2005 Product Structure of PPt, 2005Q1-2006Q1 Layer Proportion of PPt's Products, 2005Q1-2006Q1 Downstream Application Proportion of PPt's Products, 2005Q1-2006Q1 Regional Distribution of PPt's Revenues, 2005Q1-2006Q1 Academic Title Distribution of PPt's Staff Statistics of PPt’s Assets and Its Staff Contribution Distribution of NYPCB's Key Clients, Jan-Jun 2005 Revenues and Gross Profit Margins of Kinsus, 2001-2006 Product Structure of Kinsus, 2005-May 2006 Downstream Clients Proportion of Kinsus, Jan-May 2006 Revenues and Gross Profit Margins of PTI, 2001-2006 Regional Distribution of PTI's Revenues in Two Consecutive Quarters Structure of ChipMos Revenues of ChipMos, 2001-2005 Revenue Structure of ChipMos, 2006Q1 Proportion of Revenue from All ChipMos' Clients, 2006Q1 Client Constitution of ChipMOs, 2005 Revenues of ChipMos in Memory Field, 2001-2006Q1 Estimated Quarterly Income of ChipMos in DDRII Field, 2006 Estimated Quarterly Income of ChipMos in Flash Memory Field, 2006 Revenues of ChipMos in LCD Drive IC Field, 2001-2006Q1 Revenues and Gross Profit Margins of KYEC, 2001-2005 Structure of KYEC Product Distribution of Chipsbank' Revenues, 2005 Revenues and Gross Profit Margins of UTAC, 2001-2005 Clients of UTAC and NSEB Income Structure of UTAC, 2006Q1 Regional Distribution of UTAC's Income, 2006Q1 Fiscal Status of IBIDEN, 2001-2005 Statistics and Forecast of Sales, Shanghai Xinguang Electric Automation Co., Ltd, 2003-2007 Statistics and Forecast of Net Profit, Shanghai Xinguang Electric Automation Co., Ltd, 2003-2007 Product of Shanghai Xinguang Electric Automation Co., Ltd Ranking of Unimicron in Global PCB Industry, 1996-2004 Global layout of Unimicron Structure of Unimicron Revenues and Gross Profit Margins of Unimicron, 2000-2006 Revenue Structure of Unimicron, 2006Q1 Global Top 20 PCB Companies, 2000-2005 Global Top Ten Packaging Companies, 2005 Output Capacity and Clients of Global Leading FC Carrier Manufacturers Supply and Demand in LCD Drive IC Golden Bump Industry, 2005Q1-2006Q4 Supply and Demand in LCD Drive IC TCP/COF/COG Industry, 2005Q1-2006Q4 Differences between Traditional IC and WL-CSP Merging and Acquisition of ChipMos Output Capacity of ChipMos Shanghai Base Investment Plan of ChipMos, 2006 Machine Number of UTAC and NSEB FC Packaging Capability of Unimicron
2005-2008 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved