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EMS (Electronic Manufacturing Service) Industry Report, 2007

Published: Jul/2007

Hard Copy  USD $ 299
Pages: 32 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 299
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 598

In the year of 2005, the global EMS market scale reached USD 107.7 billion, and the 10 largest EMS manufacturers share 65% of the market. It is forecasted that the world's EMS market scale will reach 141 billion by 2009 with an average annual growth of 7.1%.

In terms of EMS market structure, the EMS demand in computer and telecommunication fields takes 49% of the market, and large-scale EMS manufacturers are mostly concentrated in these two fields due to the standardization and mass production characteristics. By contrast, the relatively medium- and small-size EMS companies are mainly engaged in other diversified and segmented markets.

Statistics of Operating Revenue and Profit Ratio of Jabil, 2001-2006

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