China generating equipment industry will still see a large market space in the long run. During the 11th Five-year Plan period, China will maintain a power construction scale of about 30-40 million KW each year. The State will actively engage in the hydropower construction with an installation rate reaching 23%-25%, and continue to reduce small-sized thermal power station construction while introducing high-parameter, high-efficiency and supercritical thermal power units with single-unit capacity over 300,000 KW, and properly develop the new green power projects like nuclear power, natural gas power, wind-power and solar power.
Proportion of various generating equipments according to capacity in 2005 (Unit: million kilowatts)

According to the national development programming of energy resource, installed capacity of hydropower will up to 160 million KW by 2010, accounting for some 24% of the total; installed capacity of nuclear power will reach 12.5 million KW, accounting for about 2% of the total. During the 11th Five-year Plan period, the annual average investment in hydropower and nuclear power will be RMB 35 billion and 20 billion respectively.
Although, the investment in hydropower and nuclear power is currently less than that in thermal power, however, the relevant equipment manufacturers still can gain considerable benefit considering the high concentration degree as well as gradual increase rate of nationalization. During the 12th Five-year Plan period (2011-2015), China will further enlarge the investment in hydropower and nuclear power with an average sum of RMB 75 billion and 35 billion per year respectively. By the end of the 12th Five-year Plan period, the installed capacity of hydropower and nuclear power will reach 230 million KW and 36 million KW respectively, accounting for 25% and 4% of the total separately. Wind power will also grow rapidly as a typical renewable resource.
The National Development and Reform Commission released the suggestions on strictly restraining from the unordered construction of power station projects in Nov 2004. The issue of this suggestion and macro control policies has caused some influences, especially on the situation of electricity short and even leading to an over-plus situation. However, generating equipments has still been in short supply around the country since 2005 and such situation remained unchanged even with the high growth rate in the first half of 2006. In particular, the number of large units increased rapidly. Steam units of 600,000KW were added, which is 17 more than the same period of 2005.
With regard to the industrial policies, foreign investment into equipment manufacturing of thermal power, hydropower and nuclear power are all encouraged by the government, for instance, the supercritical thermal power units over 600,000KW.
Generating equipment will develop towards consumption reduction and efficiency improvement. Taking coal-fired power as the examples, at present, coal-fired power units averagely consumes coals of 374 gram per kilowatt-hour, 55 gram higher than world advanced level. So it is crucial for the future development of coal-fired power to enhance conversion efficiency and to save coal resources. One of effective ways to improve the efficiency of coal-fired power units is to increase the proportion of supercritical units. Therefore, the generating equipment with high-level technology will be provided with a promising future.
With the data from National Bureau of Statistics, China Customs and Machinery Industry Federation, this report gives a detailed analysis on production, sales, market, industry structure and import & export of China’s generator and units manufactures. It also forecasts its future development and provides power enterprises, power equipment manufactures and investors with valuable reference.
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2005-2007 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved
China generating equipment industry will still see a large market space in the long run. During the 11th Five-year Plan period, China will maintain a power construction scale of about 30-40 million KW each year. The State will actively engage in the hydropower construction with an installation rate reaching 23%-25%, and continue to reduce small-sized thermal power station construction while introducing high-parameter, high-efficiency and supercritical thermal power units with single-unit capacity over 300,000 KW, and properly develop the new green power projects like nuclear power, natural gas power, wind-power and solar power.
Proportion of various generating equipments according to capacity in 2005 (Unit: million kilowatts)

According to the national development programming of energy resource, installed capacity of hydropower will up to 160 million KW by 2010, accounting for some 24% of the total; installed capacity of nuclear power will reach 12.5 million KW, accounting for about 2% of the total. During the 11th Five-year Plan period, the annual average investment in hydropower and nuclear power will be RMB 35 billion and 20 billion respectively.
Although, the investment in hydropower and nuclear power is currently less than that in thermal power, however, the relevant equipment manufacturers still can gain considerable benefit considering the high concentration degree as well as gradual increase rate of nationalization. During the 12th Five-year Plan period (2011-2015), China will further enlarge the investment in hydropower and nuclear power with an average sum of RMB 75 billion and 35 billion per year respectively. By the end of the 12th Five-year Plan period, the installed capacity of hydropower and nuclear power will reach 230 million KW and 36 million KW respectively, accounting for 25% and 4% of the total separately. Wind power will also grow rapidly as a typical renewable resource.
The National Development and Reform Commission released the suggestions on strictly restraining from the unordered construction of power station projects in Nov 2004. The issue of this suggestion and macro control policies has caused some influences, especially on the situation of electricity short and even leading to an over-plus situation. However, generating equipments has still been in short supply around the country since 2005 and such situation remained unchanged even with the high growth rate in the first half of 2006. In particular, the number of large units increased rapidly. Steam units of 600,000KW were added, which is 17 more than the same period of 2005.
With regard to the industrial policies, foreign investment into equipment manufacturing of thermal power, hydropower and nuclear power are all encouraged by the government, for instance, the supercritical thermal power units over 600,000KW.
Generating equipment will develop towards consumption reduction and efficiency improvement. Taking coal-fired power as the examples, at present, coal-fired power units averagely consumes coals of 374 gram per kilowatt-hour, 55 gram higher than world advanced level. So it is crucial for the future development of coal-fired power to enhance conversion efficiency and to save coal resources. One of effective ways to improve the efficiency of coal-fired power units is to increase the proportion of supercritical units. Therefore, the generating equipment with high-level technology will be provided with a promising future.
With the data from National Bureau of Statistics, China Customs and Machinery Industry Federation, this report gives a detailed analysis on production, sales, market, industry structure and import & export of China’s generator and units manufactures. It also forecasts its future development and provides power enterprises, power equipment manufactures and investors with valuable reference.
2005-2006 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved |
1 Analysis on economic nature and features of generating equipment industry 1.1 Economic attributes 1.1.1 Place in national economy 1.1.2 Industrial definition 1.1.3 Analysis on major products 1.2 Analysis on industrial relationship 1.2.1 Proportion of power investment in the total social fixed assets investment 1.2.2 Upstream power installation demand for generating equipment 1.2.3 Linkage analysis on downstream grid equipment and generating equipment 1.3 Analysis on industrial operation characteristics 1.3.1 Periodicity 1.3.2 Periodicity of major generating equipments 1.3.3 Industrial development and current stage2 Analysis on economic operation in China's generating equipment industry 2.1 Overall operation status of generating equipment in China, 2004 2.1.1 Production 2.1.2 Sales 2.1.3 Profits 2.1 Overall operation status of generating equipment in China, 2005 2.1.1 Production 2.1.2 Sales 2.1.3 Profits 2.3 Problems in industrial operation since 2005 2.3.1 Mode of output increase 2.3.2 Most of companies are short of capital 2.3.3 Direct influence on gross profit from price fluctuation of major raw materials 2.3.4 Macroeconomic control causes contract delay and terminate 3 Environment Analysis of China's generating equipment industry 3.1 Changes of industrial policies 3.1.1 The 11th Five-year Plan for power equipment industry 3.1.2 Industrial investment transits towards market-oriented mode, but under the control of government 3.1.3 Enterprises who can fix the price have political advantages 3.1.4 Implementation Measurements of International Standard for the Tendering and Bidding of Electromechanical Products 3.2 Analysis on technical environment 3.2.1 Obvious technical disadvantage in large capacity units 3.2.2 Speeding up technical upgrade of low- and middle-end products 3.3 Economical environment 3.3.1 Influence from RMB appreciation 3.3.2 Strong demand from power industry 3.3.3 Overall situation of industrial investment 3.4 Social environment 3.4.1 Profit of high-end products is monopolized by foreign-founded companies 3.4.2 Raw material supply of generating equipment 4. Competition pattern in generating equipment industry 4.1 Treats of Rappaport Model 4.1.1 Threats from suppliers of raw material and accessories 4.1.2 Purchasers' bargaining ability and purchasing mode 4.1.3 Threats of new entrant (private and foreign capital) 4.1.4 Threats of new products/substitutes 4.1.5 Interior competition 4.2 Worldwide competition in generating equipment industry 4.2.1 Continuous integration and merger 4.2.2 Strategy of localization 4.2.3 Technical R & D focus on innovation 4.2.4 Improve after-sale services 4.2.5 Reduce production cost by part outsourcing 4.3 Competitive strategies among different companies 4.3.1 Cost strategy 4.3.2 Differentiation strategy 4.3.3 Focus strategy 4.3.4 Major basis of strategies selection 5 Analysis on associated industry chain of generating equipment industry 5.1 Main material supply 5.1.1 Supply of medium plate market 5.1.2 Price trend of panel, tube and special steel (silicon steel) 5.1.3 Supply of nonferrous metal market 5.1.4 Price trend of copper and aluminum 5.1.5 Summary: short-and long-term influence from the change of raw material market 5.2 Influence of investment in production capacity of power industry 5.2.1 Power industry is the basic factor to maintain the durative boom of power equipment industry 5.2.2 The demand for large-capacity generating equipment will still exceed supply in next three years 5.2.3 Associated analysis on growth rate of generators and installation capacity, 1997-2001 5.2.4 Generating equipment structure was changed by the 11th Five-year Plan for power industry 5.2.5 Influence of short-and long-term industrial policies of power industry 5.3 Influence of transmission and transformation equipment 5.3.1 Revenue and gross profit increase of major transmission and transformation equipment products 5.3.2 Gross profit margin and its changes of major transmission and transformation equipment products 5.3.3 Major threats of transformer industry 6 Competition of major generating equipment products in China 6.1 Development of utility boiler products 6.1.1 Utility boiler supply 6.1.2 Competition 6.1.3 Demand for utility boiler in China, 2005 6.1.4 Forecast of boiler industry, 2006-2007 6.2 Development of turbine products 6.2.1 Turbine supply 6.2.2 Revenue of turbine industry 6.2.3 Industrial profitability, 2002-2005 6.2.4 Sales forecast, 2006-2007 6.3 Development of hydraulic turbine products 6.3.1 Industrial sales 6.3.2 Industrial cost changes 6.3.3 Industrial profitability 2003-2005 6.4 Development of generators and generating units 6.4.1 Output of 17 turbo-generator enterprises, 2005 6.4.2 Top 10 Hydro-generator enterprises (by output), 2005 6.4.3 Output of generating units, 2005 6.4.4 Trade of generator and generating units 6.4.5 Forecast on generator and generating units industry, 2006-2007 6.4.6 Industrial cost change, 2003-2005 6.4.7 Industrial profitability, 2003-2005 6.5 Development of nuclear power generating equipment 6.5.1 Overview of current nuclear power stations in China 6.5.2 Nuclear generating units being built and going to be build 6.5.3 Advantages, disadvantages and other features of nuclear power station 6.5.4 Suppliers of nuclear power equipment 6.5.5 Overview of 5 large companies participating in the construction of nuclear power 6.5.6 Expected nationalized objectives of middle-and long-term programming of nuclear power within 20 years 6.5.7 Orders of 3 large Electric Groups in the second-stage construction of Qinshan and Ling'ao Project 6.5.8 Cost contrast of different types of power station equipment 7. China's generating equipment trade 7.1 Major Influential factors 7.1.1 National economy of partners 7.1.2 Policy of RMB exchange rate 7.2 Total import and export volume 7.2.1 Total import volume of major products 7.2.2 Total export volume 7.3 Total import volume of major products 7.3.1 Turbo-generator 7.3.2 Hydro-generator 7.3.3 Generator 7.4 Total export volume of major products 7.4.1 Generator 7.4.2 Turbo-generator 7.4.3 Hydro-generator 7.4.4 Boiler 8 Related influential factors on generating equipment industry 8.1 Economic development stage and industrial demand 8.1.1 Judgment to Chinese industrialized stage 8.1.2 Characteristics of demand for power in heavy-industrialized stage 8.1.3 Demand for generating equipment 8.2 Analysis on upstream generating equipment 8.2.1 Steel supply and price forecast 8.2.2 Nonferrous metal supply and price forecast 8.3 Power market analysis 8.3.1 Investment in power industry by 2005 8.3.2 Investment in power industry after 2005 8.4 Industrial policies 8.4.1 The 11th Five-year Plan for power industry 8.4.2 Cost Control Measure of Hydropower Projects for Electric Power Investment Group Corporations in China 8.4.3 Trial Measures on Tending and Bidding for Generating Equipment Purchase in China 8.4.4 Standard upgrade in Chinese generating and Transmission & Transformation industry 8.5 International market 8.5.1 Global generating equipment market 8.5.2 Product development trend 8.5.3 Global demand forecast 8.5.4 Influence on China generating equipment market 8.6 Analysis on trend of Chinese generating equipment 8.6.1 Development trend of thermal-power generating equipment 8.6.2 Development trend of hydropower generating equipment 8.6.3 Development trend of waste firing power generating equipment 9 Analysis on dominant generating equipment enterprises 9.1 Dongfang Electrical Machinery Co., Ltd 9.1.1 Overview and development 9.1.2 Generator output, 2003-2005 9.1.3 Operation, 2003-2005 9.1.4 Latest development and future programming 9.2 Dongfang Boiler Group Co., Ltd 9.2.1 Company profile 9.2.2 Output, 2003-2005 9.2.3 Operation, 2003-2005 9.2.4 Latest development and future programming 9.3 Harbin Electrical Machinery Company Limited 9.3.1 Overview and Development 9.3.2 Output, 2003-2005 9.3.3 Operation, 2003-2005 9.3.4 Latest development and future programming 9.4 Shanghai Turbo-generator Co. Ltd 9.4.1 Overview and development 9.4.2 Output, 2003-2005 9.4.3 Operation, 2003-2005 9.4.4 Latest development and future programming 10 Growth potential and development environment in generating equipment industry, 2006-2010 10.1 Growth potential 10.1.1 Relationship between industrial development and national economy progress 10.1.2 Relativity of industrial development and power industry progress 10.1.3 Industrial lifecycle 10.1.4 Industrial prosperity cycle 10.2 Development environment 10.2.1 Forecast on Chinese economic development during the 11th Five-year Plan period 10.2.2 Supply and demand of domestic power market in the next 5 years 10.2.3 Development of upstream industries including steel and nonferrous metal 10.2.4 Political trend of related industries 10.2.5 Influence of environmental protection and energy saving 11 Market demand in generating equipment industry, 2006-2010 11.1 General supply and demand of power market 11.1.1 Growing demand for power and power consumption structure 11.1.2 Power production and supply ability 11.2.3 Balance of supply and demand in power market 11.2 Analysis on investment trend in power industry 11.2.1 Investment trend 11.2.2 Investment strategies of 5 largest generating groups 11.2.3 Investment in regional markets 11.2.4 Major factors influencing investment growth 11.3 Influence of power industry development on generating equipment market 11.3.1 Power system reform and its influences 11.3.2 Structure adjustment of power industry and its influences 11.4 Demand forecast in generating equipment market, 2006-2010 11.4.1 Forecast thoughts 11.4.2 Selection of model and method 11.4.3 Forecast result 12 Forecast on development trend of generating equipment industry, 2006-2010 12.1 Overall development trend 12.1.1 Development trend of worldwide generating equipment industry 12.1.2 Development trend of China's generating equipment industry 12.2 Development trend of industrial competition 12.2.1 Competition of product and technology 12.2.2 Market competition 12.2.3 Selection of competitive strategies 12.3 Major risks in industrial development 12.3.1 Declining demand 12.3.2 Increasing cost 12.3.3 Market competition 12.3.4 Policy and technology 12.4 Influence of RMB exchange rate reform on generating equipment firms 12.4.1 Basic thoughts on reform of exchange rate 12.4.2 Forecast on long-term trend of RMB exchange rate 12.4.3 Influence of exchange rate trend on generating equipment firms 13 Investment opportunities and suggestions 13.1 Prospect of industrial development 13.1.1 Forecast on power investment 13.1.2 Forecast on demand for generating equipment 13.2 Opportunities and risks 13.2.1 Opportunities 13.2.2 Risks 13.3 Suggestions 13.3.1 Investment forms 13.3.2 Investment direction 13.3.3 Investment opportunities 14 Marketing mode of power equipment firms 14.1 State quo and marketing strategies of power equipment market 14.1.1 Classification of power equipment 14.1.2 Overview of marketing strategies 14.2 Demand of target clients and their purchase behaviors 14.3 Marketing strategies of power equipment 14.4 Purchase procedure and bidding of power equipment
2005-2006 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved |
Output of generating equipment and newly installed equipment, 2001-2005 Growth rate of investment in power, electric source and grid, 1997-2007 Output increase of China's generating equipment, 2001-2005 Sales cost fluctuation of generating equipment industry, 2003-2005 Gross profit fluctuation of generating equipment industry, 2003-2005 Profitability analysis on China's generating equipment industry, 2003-2004 Cost composing of major generating equipment products Market concentration of power station equipment, 2005 Growth rate of generating capacity and installed capacity, 1991-2007 Power industry policies regarding the 11th Five-year Plan Data tracing for major power transmission & distribution equipments, 2005 Monthly accumulative gross profit of power transmission & distribution equipments Output change of power station boiler, 2003-2005 Output of top 10 power station boiler firms in China, 2005 Sales revenue of China’s boiler industry from 1st half 2003 to 2006 Output increase of power station turbo-generator in China, 2002-2005 Sales revenue of turbo-generator manufacturing, 2003-2005 Gross profit change of turbo-generator manufacturing, 2003-2005 Sales cost of China's generator manufacturing, 2003-2005 Gross profit change of China's generator manufacturing, 2003-2005 Turbo-generator manufacturers in China, 2005 Turbine output, 2003-2005 Output of hydropower generating units, 2003-2005 Top 10 manufacturers of hydropower generating units in China, 2005 Export volume and value of alternator, 2003-2005 Total sales of China's generator manufactures, 2003-2005 Sales cost change of China's generator manufactures, 2003-2005 Gross profit change of China's generator manufactures, 2003-2005 Profitability of China's generator manufactures, 2003-2005 Sales revenue of China's generator manufactures, 2003-2006 Schedule of nuclear generating units being built and going to be built Overview of 5 large companies participating in the construction of nuclear power Contrast of cost of different types of power station equipment Retrospect of the development course of power industry Output of Dongfang Electrical Machinery Co., Ltd, 2003-2005 Sales of Dongfang Electrical Machinery Co., Ltd, 2003-2005 Profitability of Dongfang Electrical Machinery Co., Ltd,2003-2005 Output of Dongfang Boiler Group Co., Ltd, 2003-2005 Sales of Dongfang Boiler Group Co., Ltd, 2003-2005 Profitability of Dongfang Boiler Group Co., Ltd, 2003-2005 Output of Harbin Electrical Machinery Company Limited, 2003-2005 Sales of Harbin Electrical Machinery Company Limited, 2003-2005 Profitability of Harbin Electrical Machinery Company Limited,2003-2005 Output of Shanghai Turbo-generator Co. Ltd, 2003-2005 Sales of Shanghai Turbo-generator Co. Ltd, 2003-2005 Profitability of Shanghai Turbo-generator Co. Ltd,2003-2005 Structure adjustment of the 11th Five-year Plan for power industry Forecast on installed capacity, 2006-2008
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