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China Coal Industry Report, Jan-Apr 2007

Published: Jul/2007

Hard Copy  USD $ 749
Pages: 47 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 749
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 1,498

According to the statistics of State Administration of Work Safety, the coal output in China was 706.36 million tons from January to April in 2007, up 6.4% y-o-y. The output in April was 200.5 million tons, rising 8.3% compared to the same period of previous year. The output of key state-owned coal mines, local state-owned coal mines and town-level coal mines was 100.6 million tons, 27.4 million tons and 72.5 million tons respectively, accounting for 55.78%, 14.41% and 29.81% of the total.

The coal sales amounted to 685.95 million tons in China from January to April, up 12.28% y-o-y. The sales volume in April was 191.5 million tons, rising 10.71% compared to the same period of previous year.

From January to April of 2007, the coal import amount was 19.2249 million tons in China, up 51.46% y-o-y. The import amount of smokeless coal, steam coal and metallurgical coal was 10.0498 million tons, 6.1352 million tons and 1.777 million tons respectively, up 38.05%, 69.43% and -0.79% separately y-o-y. In addition, the ratio of the three kinds of coals is 2.27%, 31.91% and 22.46% respectively.

The coal import amount was 4.9235 million tons in April, a bit down compared to 5.672 million tons in March, but higher than 4.7 million tons and 3.93 million tons in Jan and Feb of 2007 respectively.

Meanwhile, the coal export amount was 15.8692 million tons in China from January to April of 2007, down 28.5% y-o-y, in which the export volume of steam coal and smokeless coal was 13.0252 million tons and 1.4731 million tons respectively, decreasing 31.16% and 16.4%, and the metallurgical coal export amount was 1.339 million tons, down 11.26%.

Comparison of Output Statistics

Coal Sales and Growth Rate, Jan 2005-Apr 2007


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