Bio-ethanol is a renewable energy that takes biomass as material, which can be used as fuel of automobile alone or with gasoline. Compare same bulk of bio-ethanol with gasoline, the heat value of burning is 30% lower. When added 10%, decrease of the heat value is not so obvious. In this condition, the engine can be used without any changes on it.
Brazil and the United States are the biggest bio-ethanol producers as well as consumers. Brazil takes sugar cane as the raw materials while US maize. Their annual consumption of bio-ethanol fuel is 12 million tons and 4.5 million tons separately. 10% of vehicles about 15 million automobiles in US take E 10 ethanol gasoline, i.e. 10% bio-ethanol as the fuel. China, has decided to refer to this example to widely use E 10 ethanol gasoline. In the next decade or so bio-ethanol is bond to have a bright future in the market.
According to the Eleventh Five-Year Plan on bio-ethanol fuel, China has authorized four pilot projects on bio-ethanol. Up till now an annual production capacity of 1.02 million ton has realized. Herein Huarun Alcohol Co., Ltd in Heilongjiang province has realized an annual production capacity of 100,000 tons, and Jilin Fuel Alcohol Co., Ltd, and Henan Tianguan Fuel ethanol Co., Ltd each realized 300,000 tons, and Anhui BBCA Biochemical Co., Ltd, 320,000 tons. The above mentioned four companies reached a total production of bio-ethanol 1.2 million tons.
Authorized by the State Department in Feb 2004, extended pilot work has been carried out in five provinces, that is, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Henan and Anhui and 27 cities of Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu and Hubei to experiment the use of bio-ethanol for automobile fuel. The consumption of bio-ethanol has taken up 20% that of national total gasoline consumption.
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2005-2007 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved
Bio-ethanol is a renewable energy that takes biomass as material, which can be used as fuel of automobile alone or with gasoline. Compare same bulk of bio-ethanol with gasoline, the heat value of burning is 30% lower. When added 10%, decrease of the heat value is not so obvious. In this condition, the engine can be used without any changes on it.
Brazil and the United States are the biggest bio-ethanol producers as well as consumers. Brazil takes sugar cane as the raw materials while US maize. Their annual consumption of bio-ethanol fuel is 12 million tons and 4.5 million tons separately. 10% of vehicles about 15 million automobiles in US take E 10 ethanol gasoline, i.e. 10% bio-ethanol as the fuel. China, has decided to refer to this example to widely use E 10 ethanol gasoline. In the next decade or so bio-ethanol is bond to have a bright future in the market.
According to the Eleventh Five-Year Plan on bio-ethanol fuel, China has authorized four pilot projects on bio-ethanol. Up till now an annual production capacity of 1.02 million ton has realized. Herein Huarun Alcohol Co., Ltd in Heilongjiang province has realized an annual production capacity of 100,000 tons, and Jilin Fuel Alcohol Co., Ltd, and Henan Tianguan Fuel ethanol Co., Ltd each realized 300,000 tons, and Anhui BBCA Biochemical Co., Ltd, 320,000 tons. The above mentioned four companies reached a total production of bio-ethanol 1.2 million tons.
Authorized by the State Department in Feb 2004, extended pilot work has been carried out in five provinces, that is, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Henan and Anhui and 27 cities of Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu and Hubei to experiment the use of bio-ethanol for automobile fuel. The consumption of bio-ethanol has taken up 20% that of national total gasoline consumption.
2005-2006 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved |
1 General introduction of the industry development 1.1 Industry definition 1.1.1 Industry economic property 1.1.2 Product definition and classification 1.1.3 Analysis of the industry chain 1.2 Maturity of bio-ethanol gasoline industry 1.2.1 Development cycle of the industry 1.2.2 Contrast of domestic and foreign bio-ethanol market2 Development circumstance of China bio-ethanol gasoline industry 2.1 Development of the micro environment 2.1.1 Increase trend of GDP 2.1.2 Investment in fixed assets 2.1.3 Development of foreign trade 2.2 Analysis of the laws and policies 2.2.1 Several policies came out to support 2.2.2 Micro control to prevent excess competition 2.2.3 Government offers financial subsidies to fuel ethanol 2.3 Analysis of the social development circumstance 2.4 Technical circumstance 2.4.1 New technology breaks through bottleneck of single variety 2.4.2 Industrial experiment on production fuel out of the discarded 3 Supply and demand of bio-ethanol gasoline in 2001-2006 3.1 Production of bio-ethanol gasoline 3.1.1 Status quo of production 3.1.2 Production capacity 3.1.3 Application and execution of bio-ethanol gasoline 3.2 Consumption of bio-ethanol gasoline in the market 3.2.1 Status quo of bio-ethanol gasoline 3.2.2 Consumption structure of bio-ethanol gasoline 3.2.3 Analysis of market demand for bio-ethanol gasoline 3.3 Import and export of bio-ethanol gasoline 3.3.1 Import of bio-ethanol gasoline 3.3.2 Export of bio-ethanol gasoline 3.3.3 Comprehensive analysis of the import and export 4 Competition in bio-ethanol gasoline industry 4.1 Industry competition structure 4.1.1 Competition among existing companies 4.1.2 Potential entrant 4.1.3 Threaten from replacement 4.1.4 Price-negotiating ability of supplier 4.1.5 Price-negotiating ability of customer 4.2 Analysis of industry concentration 4.2.1 Market concentration 4.2.2 Company concentration 4.2.3 Region concentration 4.2.4 Product concentration 4.3 International competition of China bio-ethanol gasoline industry 4.3.1 Production factors 4.3.2 Demand 4.3.3 Support and relative industries 4.3.4 Enterprise strategy, structure and competition status 4.3.5 Function of government 5 Development of bio-ethanol gasoline industry by region 5.1 North China 5.1.1 Status quo 5.1.2 Favorable conditions for competition 5.1.3 Forecast of the prospect 5.2 South China 5.2.1 Status quo 5.2.2 Favorable conditions for competition 5.2.3 Forecast of the prospect 5.3 East China 5.3.1 Status quo 5.3.2 Favorable conditions for competition 5.3.3 Forecast of the prospect 5.4 Northeast China 5.4.1 Status quo 5.4.2 Favorable conditions for competition 5.4.3 Forecast of the prospect 5.5 West China 5.5.1 Status quo 5.5.2 Favorable conditions for competition 5.5.3 Forecast of the prospect 6 Forecast of the industry prospect 6.1 Development circumstance 6.1.1 Micro economic condition 6.1.2 Policies and influences 6.1.3 Development trend of international industry 6.2 Prospect of relatively industries 6.2.1 Forecast of forestry 6.2.2 Forecast of automobile manufacturing 6.2.3 Forecast of engine industry 6.3 Development trend of bio-ethanol gasoline industry 6.3.1 Forecast of technique development 6.3.2 Forecast of product development 6.3.3 Forecast of competition pattern 7 Forecast of the market in 2007-2010 7.1 Forecast of market consumption ability 7.1.1 Major factors that effect demands 7.1.2 Forecast of demands scale 7.1.3 Gap between supply and demand 7.2 Forecast of the market supply ability 7.2.1 Expansion of production capacity 7.2.2 Forecast of the industry total supply 7.3 Forecast of imports and exports 7.3.1 Forecast of the total imports 7.3.2 Forecast of the total exports 7.4 Forecast of the price trend 7.4.1 Status quo of price in the market 7.4.2 Forecast of the price trend 8 Analysis of the predominant companies 8.1 Jilin Fuel Alcohol Company Limited 8.1.1 Company profile 8.1.2 Product and management 8.1.3 Strategy and prospect 8.2 Anhui BBCA Biochemical Co., Ltd 8.2.1 Company profile 8.2.2 Product and management 8.2.3 Strategy and prospect 8.3 Henan Tianguan 8.3.1 Company profile 8.3.2 Product and management 8.3.3 Strategy and prospect 9 Investment opportunities and risks 9.1 Evaluation of investment circumstance 9.1.1 Investment in fixed assets 9.1.2 Projects under building or to be built 9.1.3 Investment attraction 9.2 Investment opportunities 9.2.1 Internal advantages 9.2.2 External advantages 9.3 Investment risks 9.3.1 Risks from the market 9.3.2 Risks from the policies 9.3.3 Risks from management 9.4 Suggestions and strategies
2005-2006 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved |
Utility process of biomass Comparison of CO2 emission from several biomasses and fossil fuel Installed capacity of electricity power generated by bio energy Introduction to several fuel tree species in China Application of biomass transfer techniques Typical pilot projects of biomass in China Technical route of transfer biomass energy Main routes, capacity and general average efficiency of biomass energy transference Major barriers in widely use of biomass energy transference techniques in market R&D of biomass pyrolysis for liquid product Ingredients of bio oil Consumption of China forestry and distribution proportion Physical requirement of denatured fuel alcohol Compound ratio of alcohol ingredients Product distribution of fuel ethanol manufacturers Procession flow of microbe zymotechnics to produce fuel ethanol Major suppliers and clients of Anhui BBCA Biochemical Co., Ltd Debts and expenses of Anhui BBCA Biochemical Co., Ltd, 2006-2007 Major biomass resources in China, 2006-2007 Biomass cultivated to be used in China, 2006-2007 Statistics of zymosis alcohol manufacturers in China, 2006-2007 Production capacity of alcohol in China, 2002-2007 Government subsidy standards to the loss of fuel ethanol, 2004-2008 Availability of major biomass energy in China, 2020-2050 Prospect of major biomass energy cultivation in China, 2020-2050
2005-2008 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved