47.3% of the interviewees hold that the housing price will grow slightly, while 5.7% consider that the housing price will rise substantially; furthermore, 22.8% think the housing price will maintain a steady momentum. In addition, 22.8% and 1.3% respectively believe that the overall average price of Shenzhen's commercial housing will have a slight or sharp decline within the forthcoming year.
44.6% of the respondents express that "price-limited house" is not capable to restrict the housing price, and 26.5% of them believe that it's conducive to the sound development of the market; additionally, parts of respondents show different opinions.
60% of the consumers are willing to purchase small-sized (<90 square meters) domicile, yet 34% of the residents definitely show opposite point of view, and the rest 6% keep neutral.
Analysis of Family annual income & Purchase Tendency of Houses below 90 square meters

Purchase Tendency of Secondary Housing by Annual Family Income
