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China Trust Industry Report, 2005

Published: Apr/2005

Hard Copy  USD $ 1,500
Pages: 110 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 1,600
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 2,400

This report aims at serving those investors who support and think highly of the development of China's trust industry and are willing to make investment. While picturing and analyzing the current status and development trends of China's trust industry, we provide our suggestions for the promotion of China's trust industry.

Main viewpoints of this report are the following:

China's trust & investment companies rapidly introduced their characteristic trust products since the re-regulation of development in the trust industry. They have greatly improved their market force and recognition degree while providing new investment channels for investors.

Capital operation in China's trust industry is dominated by loans, with proportion accounting for over half of the total trust capitals. At the initiation, there were self-owned capital in the trust products from the trust companies. However, with the gradual development and normalization of the trust industry, self-owned capital will be gradually reduced and eliminated when developing new trust products.

China's trust products are mainly invested in infrastructure and real estate projects. With constant innovations of trust products, the amount of trust products that invested in MBO financing, capital market and enterprise operation is climbing.

The competition between China's trust industry and other financial institutional investors, superficially, financial institutions' (in China, banks, insurance companies, trust & investment companies, securities companies are considered as the four big pillars of the financial industry) operation object is the same thing—capital, they compete with each other in their businesses, however, as a matter of fact, in terms of capital sources, they have more cooperation opportunities than competition.


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