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China Slow/Controlled Release Fertilizer Market Report, 2007

Published: Nov/2007

Hard Copy  USD $ 1,600
Pages: 85 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 1,700
Report Code: GA002 Enterprisewide  USD $ 2,550

The state middle and long-term science and technology development plan guideline (2006-2007) arranged 27 advanced technologies and 18 basic science problems in 8 key fields. As to the key fields, agriculture has 9 priority topics, 6 of which were environment-friendly fertilizer. The importance of the research is to develop environment-friendly fertilizer, key technology of pesticide innovation, controlled release fertilizer, fertilizer technology and relevant equipment.

Fertilizer consumption in China is now challenging the acceptance limit of resource and environment. For example, excessive usage of nitrogen has caused atmosphere and water pollutes, and excessive appliance of phosphate has made the river and sea nutritious.

According to the forecast of Ministry of Agriculture, the fertilizer consumption amount was about 58 million tons in China in 2006, accounted for 37.1% in the total consumption of the world, and it will exceed 40% in 2008 at such pace. Compared 2006 with 1992, it is China that made the greater contribution for the international fertilizer consumption increase.

The synthetic ammonia output was 42.22 million tons in China in 2004, and the national average energy consumption per ton was 1.80 tons standard coal, that is to say, the coal consumption to product the synthetic ammonia was 76.13 million tons in China in 2004. While the utilization rate of the nitrogenous fertilizer for different regions and corps was only 40%, 35%, 25% and 15% respectively, and even lower than 10% in the shed vegetable region and fertigation (fertilization and irrigation) ) in open fields.

The phosphate output was 11.25 million tons in China in 2005, while the phosphor mine exceeded 50 million tons. In order to meet the phosphate or fertilizer production technology, rich mine ore was selected, and poor ore was eliminated. Crude mine exploited each year probably amounted to 100 million tons.

Import of potash was 8.83 million tons in China in 2005, the CIF price of  imported potash was USD 161 per ton in 2004, up 36.1% compared to 2003, and it rose to USD 206 per ton in 2005. Meanwhile, the capital for purchasing  potash per year in China rose to USD 1.8 billion in 2005 from 2003's USD 800 million.  

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