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China Trade Report, 2007

Published: Nov/2007

Hard Copy  USD $ 349
Pages: 22 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 349
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 698

Foreign trade in China is under quick development ever since China entered WTO in 2001. Total import and export value rose to USD 1,760.68 billion in 2006 from USD 509.77 billion in 2001, with the average annual growth rate of 28.13%, which was far higher than the average growth of GDP y-o-y.

Import and Export Trade in China, 2001-2007


Total retail sales of consumer goods in China has amounted to RMB 7,641 billion from RMB 4,305.54 billion since 2001 to 2006, with an annual growth of 12.16%. With the fast development of the national economy in China, the implementation to expand the domestic demand, as well as the rapid growth of the urban citizen income, the consumption market in China will maintain a fast growth.

Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods in China, 2001-2007


Along with the trade system reform and trade policy adjustment in China, the traditional trade companies are faced with serious challenge. If these companies don't change their operation modes, they would not have living space under the current product chain.

Strategies of trade companies fall into three groups, first is trade oriented strategy that highlights the company's competitiveness, second is diversified strategies centered by core competitiveness, and third, relevant and irrelevant diversified strategies to enter several industries.

Trade orientated listed companies is restricted by conditions of itself, and their strategies shall adapted to the expected capital injection and reorganization. The diversified listed companies have achieved somehow, especially with support from large central groups. These companies have capital injection source, or they are in anticipation of going public, or they are quite possibly to reorganize. As for irrelevant diversified listed companies, they take advantages of their own region and strengthened management level, thus they realize a stable growth.

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