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China Automotive Rubber Hose Market Report, 2007-2008

Published: Jul/2008

Hard Copy  USD $ 599
Pages: 25 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 599
Report Code: GB006 Enterprisewide  USD $ 999

China's automobile sales will reach 9.75 million units in 2008, accounting for 13% to world total, representing an increase by 0.96 million units against the previous year. China's automobile output is expected to rise 13% year on year to 10 million units, including 7.3 million passenger vehicles and 2.7 million commercial vehicles.   

Auto industry is a pillar industry of China's national economy. In 2005, China's total demand for rubber hoses was about 150 million meters, including 114 million meters for new vehicle use, and 35 million meters for maintaining old vehicles.

In 2006, China's auto output increased by 27.5% year on year to 7.28 million units. China's total demand for rubber hoses reached 175 million meters, including 130 million meters for new vehicle use, and 45 million meters for maintaining old vehicles. China's auto output is expected to reach 15 million units in 2010, when China's total number of registered vehicles will be above 60 million units. By then, China's total demand for rubber hoses will reach 260 million meters, including 200 million meters for new vehicles and 58 million meters for maintaining old vehicles.

China Demand for Auto Rubber Hoses,2005-2010

                                         (Unit: 100 mln meters) 

Source: Rubber Hoses and Belts Branch, China Rubber Industry Association


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