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China Organic Silicon Industry Report, 2006-2007

Published: Dec/2006

Hard Copy  USD $ 199
Pages: 5 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 199
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 398

As for China's rich silicon resources, the influence of Europe and America implemented anti-dumping policy and China's adjusted export rebates of organic silicon, organic silicon'  price in Europe and America rockets, much higher than China's domestic price. Yet, in addition to cost advantages of Chinese organic silicon enterprises, organic silicon demand in China increases by 20% plus annually, enabling China to be the region with fastest demand growth. It is forecast the international production capacity will shift to China in the future. Currently, as China's high industrial concentration of domestic organic silicon industry and limited production capacity growth, domestic price of organic silicon would still keep a high level in the coming two years.

Average Import & Export Price of Organic Silicon in China


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