The nonferrous metal market of China has been open since the year 1993, and domestic lead-zinc market is largely influenced by international market due to their connection. In 2003, China became the world's largest lead producer, leaving America behind. In 2006, the world's refined lead output amounted to 8.05 million tons, of which 34% came from China.
Along with the resuscitation of nonferrous metal industry in recent years, China has increased the investment in lead smelting and mine exploitation, of which the production capacity of lead smelting grew more rapidly.
At present, China is the world's largest lead producer and consumer. Along with the rapid growth of China's economy, the usage of basic raw materials has been increased year by year, which also boosted the growth of global consumption.
In 2007, the global economy is supposed to maintain the vigorous growth for the fifth year. Although America's economy growth will slow down somewhat, the GDP may rise at 2%-3%. However, Europe, Japan and most newly-rising markets will maintain the vigorous momentum.
Due to the scattered production capacity of domestic lead-zinc mines, it's difficult to get the output statistics of small-size mines. Therefore, it's estimated that China's actual output of refined lead ore output will be much higher than 740 thousand tons. Meanwhile, the secondary lead and lead ore concentrate will fetch up the supply gap of domestic lead ore concentrate. Supposedly, China's self-supplying ratio of lead ore concentrate will be less than 50%; along with the gradual increase of China's lead smelting production capacity, its demand for imported lead ore concentrate will also grow continuously.
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2005-2007 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved
The nonferrous metal market of China has been open since the year 1993, and domestic lead-zinc market is largely influenced by international market due to their connection. In 2003, China became the world's largest lead producer, leaving America behind. In 2006, the world's refined lead output amounted to 8.05 million tons, of which 34% came from China.
Along with the resuscitation of nonferrous metal industry in recent years, China has increased the investment in lead smelting and mine exploitation, of which the production capacity of lead smelting grew more rapidly.
At present, China is the world's largest lead producer and consumer. Along with the rapid growth of China's economy, the usage of basic raw materials has been increased year by year, which also boosted the growth of global consumption.
In 2007, the global economy is supposed to maintain the vigorous growth for the fifth year. Although America's economy growth will slow down somewhat, the GDP may rise at 2%-3%. However, Europe, Japan and most newly-rising markets will maintain the vigorous momentum.
Due to the scattered production capacity of domestic lead-zinc mines, it's difficult to get the output statistics of small-size mines. Therefore, it's estimated that China's actual output of refined lead ore output will be much higher than 740 thousand tons. Meanwhile, the secondary lead and lead ore concentrate will fetch up the supply gap of domestic lead ore concentrate. Supposedly, China's self-supplying ratio of lead ore concentrate will be less than 50%; along with the gradual increase of China's lead smelting production capacity, its demand for imported lead ore concentrate will also grow continuously.
2005-2006 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved |
1. Status quo of China lead-zinc market, 2006-2007 1.1 Macro economy and policy environment of domestic lead-zinc industry 1.1.1 Global economy and trade balance 1.1.2 Elements of China's economy growth 1.1.3 Prosperity degree and profit of enterprises inside the industry 1.1.4 Related economy policies 1.1.5 Effects of national macro control policies on lead-zinc smelting industry 1.2 Operation of domestic lead-zinc industry 1.2.1 Operation scale 1.2.2 Overall production of the industry 1.2.3 Market demand of the industry 1.2.4 Import and export of the industry 1.2.5 Price of the industry 1.2.6 Investment of the industry 1.3 Analysis on supply condition 1.3.1 Domestic lead-zinc raw material supply and import 1.3.2 Status quo and variation of domestic refined lead-zinc supply 1.4 Analysis on demand condition 1.4.1 Consumption and market demand of refined lead-zinc 1.4.2 Contribution of each consumption industry to lead-zinc demand 1.4.3 China's lead-zinc import & export and variation trend, 2006 1.5 Trend of China lead-zinc market, 2006 1.5.1 Supply & demand balance of domestic lead-zinc market 1.5.2 Trend of domestic lead-zinc price 2. Basic elements of lead-zinc industry operation, 2006 2.1 Overall operation benefit 2.1.1 Sales revenue and profit 2.1.2 Profit-making status of lead-zinc enterprises in varied economy types 2.1.3 Profit-making status of lead-zinc enterprises of varied scales 2.2 Operation benefit of lead-zinc smelting industries 2.2.1 Sales revenue and profit 2.2.2 Profit-making status of enterprises in varied economy types 2.3 Financial indicators of enterprises 2.3.1 Repayable ability 2.3.2 Profit-making ability 2.3.3 Operating efficiency 2.3.4 Self-developing ability 3. Development of China lead-zinc industry 3.1 Status quo and trend of international lead-zinc industry 3.1.1 Global trend of lead-zinc supply in recent years 3.1.2 Global trend of lead-zinc demand in recent years 3.1.3 International lead-zinc reserve and resource development 3.2 Key elements for the development of China lead-zinc industry 3.2.1 Production elements: lead-zinc resource, production cost and technologies 3.2.2 Demand condition: support from macro economy and consumption industries 3.2.3 Supporting and related industries: development of lead-zinc industry chain 3.2.4 Enterprise strategy, structure and competition 3.3 Status quo of China lead-zinc industry 3.3.1 Status of China lead-zinc industry in the world 3.3.2 Five-Force Model analysis on current competition of lead-zinc industry 3.4 Development trend of China lead-zinc industry 3.4.1 New trend in competition 3.4.2 Utilization of waste lead-zinc resources will draw more attention 3.4.3 New trend in industry technology 4. Regional comparison of China lead-zinc industry 4.1 East China 4.2 Central China 4.3 South China 4.4 Northeast China 4.5 West China 5. Prospect of lead-zinc industry, 2007-2010 5.1 Development environment of lead-zinc industry in the forthcoming 3-5 years 5.1.1 Forecast on global main economic indicators 5.1.2 Pressures on domestic economy 5.1.3 Analysis and forecast on domestic policy environment 5.1.4 More predominant restriction of resource and environment to industry development 5.2 Estimated supply of lead-zinc ore concentrates in the forthcoming 3-5 years 5.2.1 Forecast on global demand of lead-zinc ore concentrates 5.2.2 Trend of lead-zinc ore market 5.3 Prospect of lead-zinc industry in the upcoming 3-5 years 5.3.1 Prospect of domestic lead-zinc industry 5.3.2 Prospect of domestic lead-zinc 5.4 Prospect of market pattern and economy benefit of lead-zinc industry 5.4.1 Prospect of market pattern and competition trend 5.4.3 Key factors for market competence of the future lead-zinc enterprises 5.5 Forecast on nonferrous metal industry during the 11th Five-Year Plan period 6. Forecast on lead-zinc industry market, 2007-2010 6.1 Estimated supply and demand of international lead-zinc market 6.1.1 Supply and demand balance 6.1.2 Main influential factors and estimated trend of global lead-zinc industry 6.2 Estimated lead-zinc demand of China in the forthcoming 5-10 years 6.2.1 Demand of construction industry 6.2.2 Demand of automobile industry 6.2.3 Demand of GRID construction 6.2.4 Estimated lead-zinc consumption 6.3 Estimated trend of the future lead-zinc market 6.3.1 Supply and demand balance 6.3.2 Main influential factors and estimated trend of domestic lead-zinc industry 6.3.3 Estimated price trend 7. Operation and competition of predominant enterprises 7.1 Henan Yuguang Gold &Lead Group Co., Ltd. 7.1.1 Operation and financial status 7.1.2 Competition 7.1.3 Prospect 7.2 Zhuye Torch Metals Co., Ltd. 7.2.1 Operation and financial status 7.2.2 Competition 7.2.3 Prospect 7.3 Shuikoushan Non-ferrous metal Co., Ltd. 7.3.1 Operation and financial status 7.3.2 Competition 7.3.3 Prospect 7.4 Shenzhen Zhongjin Lingnan Nonfemet Co., Ltd. 7.4.1 Operation and financial status 7.4.2 Competition 7.4.3 Prospect 8. Investment opportunities and risks of lead-zinc industry 8.1 Investment attraction 8.1.1 Entry and withdrawal barriers 8.1.2 Investment environment in the forthcoming years 8.1.3 Investment benefit in the forthcoming years 8.2 Investment opportunities and risks of lead-zinc industry 8.2.1 To optimize the investment environment while the national puts more efforts in industry management 8.2.2 Heightening the industry entry barrier can reduce the investment risks in predominant enterprises 8.2.3 Rapid growth of production capacity in recent years increases risk investment 8.3 Proposals on investment strategies
2005-2006 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved |
GDP and the growth in 2002-2006 Profit growth of industry enterprises, 2001-2006 Largely increased fixed assets investment, assets and profit, 2006 Gross production value and growth in sales income of nonferrous metal industry, 2006 Nonferrous metal output of China, 2006 Industrial sales value and finished products of nonferrous metal industry, 2006 Delivery value of exported nonferrous metal products, 2006 Average annual price of domestic basic nonferrous metal, 2005-2006 Average annual price of basic nonferrous metal in China, 2005-2006 Investment in fixed assets of nonferrous metal industry, 2004-2006 Dependence on foreign trade of China's lead-zinc raw materials, 2003-2006 Import dependence of China's ore resources, 1995-2006 Lead-zinc output of China, 1999-2006 Production structure of lead-zinc industry, 2005-2006 Lead output and the growth, 2001-2006 Lead-zinc consumption of China, 2002-2006 Lead consumption fields of China, 2006 Consumption structure of China's lead-acid accumulator, 2006 Export volume of refined lead, Jan-Dec 2006 Import volume of refined lead, Jan-Dec 2006 Export volume of refined zinc and zinc alloy, Jan-Dec 2006 Import volume of refined zinc and zinc alloy, Jan-Dec 2006 Supply and demand balance of China lead market, 2001-2006 Supply and demand balance of China zinc market, 2001-2006 Overall production of nonferrous metal, 2004-2006 Proportion of different ownership enterprises by profit Profit of lead-zinc enterprises of varied scale, 2006 Growth in total profit of nonferrous metal industry, 2003-2006 Growth in total profit of copper smelting, lead-zinc smelting and alumina smelting industries, 2003-2006 Total profit and loss of nonferrous metal industry, 2006 Profit of nonferrous metal industry, 2006 Comparison in varied indexes of state-owned and non-state-owned lead-zinc smelting enterprises, 2006 Debt-to-assets ratio of nonferrous metal sub-industries, 2003-2006 Turnover times of current assets of nonferrous metal sub-industries, 2003-2006 Profit growth of lead-zinc industry, 2003-2006 Total profit and loss of lead-zinc industry, 2006 Growth in sales cost of nonferrous metal industry, 2003-2006 Investment in fixed assets of nonferrous metal industry, 2004-2006 Lead-zinc consumption, 1990-2006 Concentration degree of China's zinc production Production concentration degree of lead-zinc mining and dressing industry Amount of lead-zinc smelting enterprise under different ownership, 2006 Variation in amount of private lead-zinc smelting enterprises Lead output of main provinces and cities in East China, 2005-2006 Zinc output of main provinces and cities in East China, 2005-2006 Lead output of main provinces and cities in South China, 2005-2006 Zinc output of main provinces and cities in South China, 2005-2006 Lead output of main provinces and cities in Northeast China, 2005-2006 Zinc output of main provinces and cities in Northeast China, 2005-2006 Lead output of main provinces and cities in Northwest China, 2005-2006 Zinc output of main provinces and cities in Northwest China, 2005-2006 Lead output of main provinces and cities in Southwest China, 2006 Zinc output of main provinces and cities in Southwest China, 2006 Prices of zinc ore concentrates and zinc ingot, 2006-2007 Estimated economic cycle of nonferrous metal industry, 2007-2008 Variation in average annual price in domestic and foreign lead-zinc market, 1990-2006 Estimated international zinc price, 2007 Zinc consumption structure of China Growth trend of gross production value of construction industry, 2002-2006 Remarkably increased demand for zinc from traffic and transportation industry, 2020 Profit from electrolytic lead of Henan Yuguang Gold &Lead Group Co., Ltd., 2002-2006 Financial statistics of Henan Yuguang Gold &Lead Group Co., Ltd., 2006 Operation of zinc products of Zhuye Torch Metals Co., Ltd., 2004-2006 Financial indexes of Zhuye Torch Metals Co., Ltd., 2001-2006 Profit of Shenzhen Zhongjin Lingnan Nonfemet Co., Ltd., 2002-2006 Analysis on ranking of Zhongjin Lingnan by investment value Development and investment prospect of Zhongjin Lingnan Supply and demand balance of lead-zinc, 2004-2007
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