Mobile phone design is to offer an integrated design program from mobile phone hardware deign to application software design, man machine interface (MMI), mobile phone style design and mobile phone mechanical design.
Features of mobile phone design

The shortened lifecycle of mobile phone design and a great number of price wars stimulate more and more mobile phone design houses.
In 1999, China Electronics Corporation (CEC) merged Philips Mobile R&D Center and set up the first mobile phone design house in China—CEC Wireless Inc. (CECW).
Mobile phone design industry was basically monopolized by Korean and Taiwan enterprises before 2003. Most mobile phone design houses in China were registered in 2002. It was not until the second half of 2003, were these design houses widely known and accepted by the market.
With an rapid development of mobile phone design houses, labor division appears in mobile phone design industry.

Since 2004, the growth of mobile phone market in China has gradually slowed down. Moreover, the market share of indigenous brand mobile manufacturers has been declining, down 31 percent in 2005. After a boom in 2004 and 2005, China mobile phone design houses began to slide into low-growth period in 2006. It is quite possible large companies will continue to thrive over small ones.

Influenced by mobile phone industry chain, it is predicated that profit margin of most mobile phone design houses will continually decline. Some will suffer great loss, some will even go bankrupt. The trend of mobile phone industry is to integrate horizontally or vertically
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2005-2007 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved
Mobile phone design is to offer an integrated design program from mobile phone hardware deign to application software design, man machine interface (MMI), mobile phone style design and mobile phone mechanical design.
Features of mobile phone design

The shortened lifecycle of mobile phone design and a great number of price wars stimulate more and more mobile phone design houses.
In 1999, China Electronics Corporation (CEC) merged Philips Mobile R&D Center and set up the first mobile phone design house in China—CEC Wireless Inc. (CECW).
Mobile phone design industry was basically monopolized by Korean and Taiwan enterprises before 2003. Most mobile phone design houses in China were registered in 2002. It was not until the second half of 2003, were these design houses widely known and accepted by the market.
With an rapid development of mobile phone design houses, labor division appears in mobile phone design industry.

Since 2004, the growth of mobile phone market in China has gradually slowed down. Moreover, the market share of indigenous brand mobile manufacturers has been declining, down 31 percent in 2005. After a boom in 2004 and 2005, China mobile phone design houses began to slide into low-growth period in 2006. It is quite possible large companies will continue to thrive over small ones.

Influenced by mobile phone industry chain, it is predicated that profit margin of most mobile phone design houses will continually decline. Some will suffer great loss, some will even go bankrupt. The trend of mobile phone industry is to integrate horizontally or vertically
2005-2006 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved |
1. Brief Introduction to Mobile Phone Design 1.1 History and Status Quo of Mobile Phone Design 1.2 Definitions 1.3 Three Major Features 2. Precondition: Mobile Phone Design Platform 2.1 Brief Introduction 2.2 Classification 2.3 Analysis 2.4 Development 2.5 Market 3. Hardware Platform of Mobile Phone Design 3.1 Analysis of main baseband processor platforms 3.1.1 QUALCOMM 3.1.2 Texas Instruments 3.1.3 Freescale 3.1.4 Agere 3.1.5 EMP 3.1.6 ADI 3.1.7 Philips 3.1.8 Infineon 3.2 Analysis of main application processor platforms 3.2.1 Texas Instruments 3.2.2 Freescale 3.2.3 Philips 3.2.4 Intel 3.2.5 Renesas 3.2.6 ST 3.2.7 NAZOMI 3.2.8 NEC 4. Software Platform of Mobile Phone Design 4.1 Analysis of Main Operating Systems 4.1.1 Symbian 4.1.2 Linux 4.1.3 Windows Mobile 4.1.4 Palm 4.2 Analysis of Main Application Software Platforms 4.2.1 Series Platform 4.2.2 Qtopia Platform 4.2.3 Opna Platform 5. Analysis of Mobile Phone Design Houses 5.1 Reasons for Rise of Mobile Phone Design Houses 5.2 Structure and Classification 5.3 Background 5.4 Survival Status 5.5 Competition & Cooperation 5.6 Prospect 6. Mobile Phone Design Houses 6.1 Techfaith 6.2 CECW 6.3 Yulong (Shenzhen) 6.4 Wanzhong (Shenzhen) 6.5 Yuhua Teltech 6.6 Ginwave 6.7 E28 (Shanghai) Limited 6.8 Simcom (Shanghai) 6.9 Elitek 6.10 Sunplus 6.11 Gionee 6.12 Unitone 6.13 ZEUS 6.14 Longcheer 6.15 Truetel 6.16 Orsus 6.17 Huntel 6.18 COSMOBIC Technology Co.,Ltd 6.19 Mobicom Corporation 6.20 Runtong 6.21 Webook 6.22 DC Wireless 6.23 Keben Telecom 6.24 Paragon Wireless 6.25 Siecom 6.26 Contractor Communication Design House Ltd. 6.27 Unismobile 6.28 COMYI 6.29 Shanghai E-Source Telecommunication Co.,Ltd. 6.30 Tonglin 6.31 Eleon 6.32 TOGO/TRIO 6.33 Moma (Shanghai) 6.34 Loemedia (Shanghai) 6.35 Kungson 6.36 Chuangyu International 7. Mobile Phone ODMs'Design Capacity 7.1 BenQ 7.2 Arima Communications 7.3 Quanta 7.4 Compal 7.5 HTC Corperation 7.6 Compal Communications,Inc. 7.7 Envada 7.8 Qimei communication 8. Analysis of Mobile Phone Brand Manufacturers' Design Capacity 8.1 Huawei 8.2 ZTE 8.3 Lenovo 8.4 CECT 8.5 Bird 8.6 TCL 8.7 Amoi 8.8 Hisense 8.9 Haier 8.10 Konka 8.11 Capitel 8.12 Dopod 8.13 SED 8.14 Telsda 9. Analysis of New Mobile License-Gained Manufacturers' Design Capacity 9.1 Daxian Pantech (Dalian) 9.2 AUX (Ningbo) 9.3 Qualcomm (Jiangsu) 9.4 Envada (Shanghai) 9.5 Skyworth (Shenzhen) 9.6 Gionee (Shenzhen) 9.7 UTSTAR 9.8 Desay 9.9 Sino-Sky (Shenzhen) 9.10 Malata 9.11 Jinpeng (Guangzhou) 9.12 Guohong Communications (Sichuang) 9.13 LangChao LG (Qingdao) 9.14 MITAC 9.15 Bubugao (Guangdong) 9.16 EYANG (Shenzhen) 9.17 Tianyu (Beijing) 9.18 Zhenhua (Guizhou) 9.19 Holley (Zhejiang) 9.20 Tech-Yeh (Shanghai) 9.21 Hi-tech Wealth (Beijing) 9.22 Yulong (Shenzhen) 9.23 Great Wall Technology 9.24 Songxunda(Shenzhen) 9.25 CLOVE 10 Trends of Mobile Design Industry 10.1Status Quo of Mobile Design Industry, 2005-2006 10.2 Trends of Mobile Design Industry, 2006-2007
2005-2006 www.researchinchina.com All Rights Reserved |
Mobile Phone Hardware Platform Separation Roadmap of Qualcomm Baseband Product Performance Comparison among Qualcomm Chip Platform Multimedia OMAPV1030 Internal Module & External Application OMAPV2230 Internal Framework & External Application Module Performance of Freescale 1200-20, 1250-20, 1250-21 Platforms Sceptre TC Internal Framework Sceptre HP Internal Framework Sceptre HPE Internal Framework Communication, DS and Application Processor Cores in Vision Platform Vision Platform Software Framework Roadmap of EMP Mobile Phone Platform Roadmap of EMP 3G Platform U100 Software Framework Multimedia Performance of EMP 3G Platform Products ADI Softfone Platform Framework Examples for Adopting Philips Baseband PMB7870 Internal Framework PMB7870 (upgrade) Internal Framework S-GOLD2 Mobile Phone Development Platform DM270 Internal Framework OMAP2420 Internal Framework OMAP1510 Internal Framework Roadmap of Freescale i.MX Series Application Processor Products i.MXL Internal Framework i.MX31 Internal Framework PNX4008 Internal Framework PXA255 Internal Framework Roadmap of Renesas SH-Mobile Products SH-Mobile 3 Internal Framework SH-Mobile 3A Software Framework Roadmap of ST Nomadik Products Nomadik Internal Framework Nomadil Internal Distributed Processing Mode JA108 Internal Framework MP211 Internal Framework Mobile Phone Platform Separation Symbian OS Mobile Phone Shipment and Average Patent Fee, 2003-2005 MontaVista Linux System Framework MontaVista Linux Development Environment Products & Services Montavista offers Service Packs of Series60 Platforms Series60 Platform Smartphone Internal Framework of Opna Software Platform Smartphone Solution Based on Opna Platform of Linux Operating System Mobile Phone Based on Opna Platform Market Share Distribution of China Mainland Mobile Phone Design Manufacturers in China's design market Techfaith Net Operating Revenue and Net Profit, Q1 2005-Q1 2006 Ginwave Telsda T69 Ginwave Partial Products, 2003-2004 Ginwave partial Products, 2005-2006 Main Products of Eleon BenQ Revenue Proportion by Division, Q2 2004-Q1 2006 Arima Net Operating Revenue and Gross Profit, 2001-2005 Changes of Arima Mobile Phone Shipment, Average Selling Price &Gross Margin, 2001-2005 Arima Shipment Proportion by Main Clients, 2002-2005 Changes of Arima Capacity and Output, 2001-2005 Changes of Quanta Mobile Phone Shipment, Sales and Average Selling Price, 2001-2005 Mobile Phone Shipment Comparison between Compal Electronics and Compal Communications, 2002-2005 Compal Communications Net Operating Revenue and Gross Margin, Q1 2005-Q1 2006 Compal Communications Mobile Phone Shipment and Selling Price, 2000-2005 Compal Communications Quarterly Mobile Phone Shipment and Average Selling Price in 2005 Statistics of Compal Communications' Monthly Turnover, 2005-June 2006 Compal Communications Shipment Proportion by Clients, 2002-2005 Flow of Compal Communications ODM Production Changes of HTC Operating Revenue and Gross Profit, 2000-2005 Forecast of HTC Output, Sales Volume and Sales, 2006-2008 Changes of Envada Operating Revenue and Gross Margin, 2001-2005 Large-Sized Mobile Phone Design Houses Merge Medium and Small-Sized Design Houses China Mobile Phone Design Houses Become Multinational Mobile Phone Design Houses Mobile Phone Design Houses Become Mobile Phone ODMs Mobile Phone Design Houses Become Mobile Phone Vendors with Their Own Brands Features of Qualcomm Chip Platforms Mobile Devices with MSM Series Chips TI mobile phone Platform OMAP Digital Baseband Features Features of Freescale i Series Platform 3G Mobile Phone with Freescale Chip Features of Agere Sceptre Platforms (Different Version) ADI Mobile Phone Platform Products Softfone Smartphone Development Platform ADI Mobile Phone Baseband Products Philips Mobile Phone Baseband Products Infineon Baseband Products TI Basic Multimedia Application Processor TI High-Performance Multimedia Application Processor Mobile Devices with OMAP1510 Freescale i.MX Series Application Processors Application of i.MX Series Application Processors Mobile Multimedia Processor Based on Nexperia Platform Intel PXA Series Application Processors Mobile Device with PXA Series Chip Mobile Device with SH-Mobile SH-Mobile Series Application Processors Mobile Device with JA108 Symbian Operating System Versions Smartphone Based on Symbian Operating System Advantages and Disadvantages of Linux Mobile Operating System Differences among Microsoft Pocket PC, Pocket PC Phone, Smartphone System Versions of Windows Mobile Operating System Advantages and Disadvantages of Windows Mobile Operating System Versions of Palm Mobile Operating System Advantages and Disadvantages of Palm Mobile Operating System Classification of Software Platforms Based on Symbian Operating System Features of Series Platform Features of Qtopia Products Advantages of Qtopia Platform Hardware Opna Software Platform Supports Smartphone Solution Based on Opna Software Platform Overview of Techfaith Wireless Mobile Phone Design Platform Techfaith Wireless Adopts Main Clients of Techfaith Wireless Overview of CECW CECW's Partial Clients and Products Models Overview of Yulong Main Products of Yulong Overview of Wanzhong Main Clients of Wanzhong Main Products of Wanzhong Overview of Yuhua Products of Yuhua Yuhua R&D Direction of Mobile Phone Products Overview of Ginwave Mobile Phone Design Platform Ginwave Adopts Ginwave Business Main Products of Ginwave Overview of Eleon Mobile Phone Products of Eleon Overview of Simcom Mobile Phone Design Platforms Simcom Adopts Simcom's Main Clients and Products Models Overview of Elitek Elitek's Main Clients and Products Models Overview of Sunplus Elitek's Mobile Phone Mainboard Products Elitek's Main Clients and Products Models Overview of Gionee Mobile Phone Products of Gionee Overview of Unitone Unitone Main Clients and Products Models Overview of ZEUS ZEUS Main Clients and Products Models Development Goals of ZEUS Overview of Goldwiz Goldwiz Mobile Phone Products Overview of Longcheer Longcheer Mobile Phone Mainboard Products Examples of Longcheer Mobile Phones Overview of Truetel Truetel Mobile Phone Products Overview of Orsus Orsus's Main Clients and Products Models Overview of Holley Holley's Main Clients and Products Models Overview of Huntel History of Huntel Huntel Module Products/ Mainboard Products Huntel's Main Clients and Products Models Overview of COSMOBIC Technology Co., Ltd COSMOBIC Business Overview of Runtong Overview of Webook Webook Communications Products Overview of Mobicom Mobicom's Main Clients and Products Models Overview of JCT Mobile Main Products of JCT Mobile Overview of Intercel Main Clients of Intercel Main Products of Intercel Overview of Spreadtrum Main Products of Spreadtrum Overview of Honestar Main Communications Solutions of Honestar Overview of Eleon Eleon's Partial Design Products & Listed Brands Overview of TOGO/TRIO TOGO\TRIO Listed Brands and Models Overview of Moma Main Projects of Moma Overview of Loemedia Loemida's Main Clients and Products Overview of Kungson Overview of Shenzhen Yisi Main Products of Shenzhen Yisi Overview of Chuangyu International Main Products of Chuangyu International BenQ OEM Clients and Corresponding Mobile Phone Models Arima's Suppliers Technology Source of Arima Wireless/ Mobile Phone Platform Arima OEM Clients and Corresponding Mobile Phone Models Quanta's Main Clients and Corresponding Mobile Phone Models Compal Electronics' Main Clients and Corresponding Mobile Phone Models Compal Electronics PMCC Profit by Division and Forecast Compal Communications' Main Clients and Corresponding Mobile Phone Models Contracted Clients of Compal Communications Source of Compal Communications Technology Main Purchasers of Compal Communications in the First Half of 2004 Proportion of HTC PDA and Smartphone by Shipment HTC Mobile Phone Parts Proportion by Shipment Envada's Main Clients and Product Models Information of Huawei Mobile R&D Sector Information of ZTE Mobile R&D Sector Information of Lenovo Mobile R&D Sector Information of CECT Mobile R&D Sector Information of Bird Mobile R&D Sector Information of TCL Mobile R&D Sector Information of Amoi Mobile R&D Sector Information of Konka Mobile R&D Sector Information of Hisense Mobile R&D Sector
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