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Location Based Service (LBS)/Geographical Information System(GIS) Market Report, 2005

Published: May/2005

Hard Copy  USD $ 850
Pages: 122 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 960
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 1,800

This report looks into LBS/ GIS market with the view of LBS/GIS technology and applications, LBS/GIS industry chain, market scale, policy and criteria, and LBS/GIS providers, it in-depth analyzed LBS/ GIS technology, market status and trends, providing detailed information to those enterprises aiming to enter this market.

LBS/GIS service is considered as another killer service after SMS. It has a great market scale and a favorable profit potential; however, the real development is slow. Along with the perfect of industry chain, LBS/GIS market is expected to be larger and larger. The global LBS/ GIS market started to accelerate in 2005, and the revenue would reach 11.7 billion USD by 2008.

In America, along with the E911 bring into effect, the LBS/GIS market is well expected in 2005, and America is expected to occupy near 50% of the global LBS/GIS market share by 2007.

In the two leading LBS/GIS country markets of Japan and Korea, the market will be more segmented and extend.

In the European market, the LBS/GIS market development was not as good as most of consulting firms expected, however, along with the development of data services and 3G networks, LBS/GIS market has started to accelerate, the CAGR would be maintain at 60%-70% from 2005-2008.

In China, operators will continue the investment on LBS/GIS services. In 2004, due to the lack of the applications, low quality and consumer demand, the market scale was small. However, the market is well expected to gain a fast development in 2005.


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