China Automotive Steering System Industry Report, 2012-2015
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According to the data of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, China’s annual production capacity of automotive steering system has now reached around 20 million sets. In 2012 the demand for automotive steering system in China was approximately 19.31 million sets, a year-on-year increase of 4.3%. It is expected that, in 2013-2015, the demand will grow at an average rate of 5% or so, and hit 22.35 million sets in 2015.

Seen from the demand structure, mechanical hydraulic steering system (HPS) is the most mainstream steering system in the current market, with demand accounting for about 50% of the total. However, as the electric power steering system (EPS) technology continues to become mature, its demand is in a stage of rapid growth. In the future, EPS will constantly replace HPS to become the mainstream of the automotive steering system market.

China Automotive Steering System Demand Structure, 2011-2015E

At present, China’s automotive steering system industry characterizes fierce competition, and the manufacturers fall into two camps of foreign-capital / joint-venture enterprises and local enterprises, of which, the former represented by ZF, TRW, JTEKT, SHOWA, NSK, MANDO, etc., relying on their higher quality of products as well as the capital relations with foreign brand vehicle assembly plants, mainly support for foreign brand vehicles. By contrast, local Chinese companies with relatively backward production process are occupied in the production of mechanical steering system, mainly supporting for homegrown brand vehicle assembly plants. With the technological improvement and experience accumulation, China Automotive Systems, Inc., Zhejiang Shibao Company Limited, Zhejiang Wanda Steering Gear Co., Ltd., AVIC-Xinhang Yubei Steering System Co., Ltd. and other local enterprises have seen fast development and started to provide product supporting services to joint-venture vehicle assembly plants.

Among joint ventures, JTEKT CORPORATION occupies the largest share in China steering system industry, provided with a total of seven steering system production bases there, four of which are dedicated to the production of electric power steering system. JTEKT Steering System (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. as one of major steering system production bases is engaged in the production of electric power steering gear, with annual capacity up to 1.2 million units, well above its industry counterparts. It mainly supports for Japanese vehicle assembly plants such as Tianjin FAW Toyota Motor Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou Nissan Automobile Co., Ltd., Dongfeng Nissan and GAC Toyota.

Among local enterprises, China Automotive Systems, Inc. enjoys the largest production capacity. Through production and operation by its eight subsidiaries, the company reaches total capacity of 3.25 million units, mainly supporting for FAW Group Corporation, Dongfeng Motor Corporation, Shenyang Brilliance Jinbei Automobile Co., Ltd., Chery Automobile Co., Ltd., Geely Automobile Holdings Limited, etc.. To retain its competitive edge in the industry, China Automotive Systems applies electronic chip to the power steering system and has conducted technical cooperation with BISHOP, KDAC, Korea’s Namyang and other companies for the development of EPS and EHPS. Development target of the company is to achieve annual capacity of 6.35 million units at the end of 2015.

China Automotive Steering System Industry Report, 2012-2015 of ResearchInChina mainly covers the followings:

20120114.gif?Development, market demand, competition pattern, imports and exports, development trends, etc. of Chinese automotive system industry;
20120114.gif?Development, market demand, production capacity, development trends, etc. of China EPS and HPS industries;
20120114.gif?Chinese car support for EPS, HPS, EHPS;
20120114.gif?Output, sales volume and matching models of China’s leading automotive steering system components manufacturers;
20120114.gif?Development situation, production capacity, project construction, development planning, etc. of leading international and domestic steering system manufacturers.
1. Overview of Automotive Steering System
1.1 Classification
1.2 Development History
1.3 Technological Level
1.4 Business Model

2. Automotive Steering System Market
2.1 Overall Market
2.1.1 Status Quo
2.1.2 Demand
2.1.3 Specialized Production
2.1.4 Competition Pattern
2.1.5 Industry Entry Barriers
2.2 Equipping
2.2.1 Drive Mode
2.2.2 Front Suspension Type
2.2.3 Rear Suspension Type
2.2.4 Power Type
2.3 Import and Export
2.3.1 Import
2.3.2 Export
2.4 Industry Development Factors
2.4.1 Favorable Factors
2.4.2 Adverse Factors
2.5 Development Trends
2.5.1 Product Trends
2.5.2 Industry Trends

3. Automotive Steering System Market Segments
3.1 Electric Power Steering System
3.1.1 Global Market
3.1.2 Chinese Market
3.1.3 Market Demand
3.1.4 Key Companies
3.1.5 Equipping
3.1.6 Development Trends
3.2 Hydraulic Steering System
3.2.1 Market Situation
3.2.2 Market Demand
3.2.3 Mechanical-Hydraulic Power Steering System
3.2.4 Electro-Hydraulic Power Steering System
3.3 Steering-By-Wire System

4. Automotive Steering System Components
4.1 Steering Gear
4.2 Steering Column
4.3 Steering Wheel
4.4 Steering Knuckle
4.5 Steering Booster
4.6 Steering Tie Rod

5. Key International Manufacturers
5.1.1 Profile
5.1.2 Operation
5.1.3 Development in China
5.2 ZF
5.2.1 ZF Group
5.2.2 ZF Lenksysteme
5.2.3 Development in China
5.3 NSK
5.3.1 Profile
5.3.2 Operation
5.3.3 Development in China
5.4 TRW
5.4.1 Profile
5.4.2 Operation
5.4.3 Development in China
5.5 Mando
5.5.1 Profile
5.5.2 Operation
5.5.3 Development in China
5.6 Delphi
5.6.1 Profile
5.6.2 Operation
5.6.3 Development in China

6. Key Chinese Manufacturers
6.1 Zhejiang Shibao Company Limited
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Revenue and Gross Margin
6.1.3 Cost of Revenue
6.1.4 Production Base
6.1.5 Major Customers and Suppliers
6.1.6 Development Planning
6.2 China Automotive Systems, Inc.
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Organization
6.2.3 Operation
6.3 Zhuzhou ELITE Electro Mechanical Co., Ltd
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.4 Zhejiang Wanda Steering Gear Co., Ltd
6.5 Hubei Tri-Ring Motor Steering Gear Co., Ltd.
6.6 Guangzhou SHOWA Absorber Limited Company
6.7 Jiangmen Xingjiang Steering Gear Co., Ltd.
6.8 FAW Koyo Steering Systems Co., Ltd.
6.9 AVIC-Xihang Yubei Steering System Co., Ltd.
6.10 Tianjin Jinfeng Automobile Chassis Parts Co., Ltd.
6.11 Zhejiang Fulin Guorun Auto Parts Co., Ltd.
6.12 Golden Company
6.13 Chongqing Changfeng Machinery Co., Ltd.
6.14 Anhui Finetech Machinery Co., Ltd
6.15 Hafei Industrial Group Automobile Redirector Obligate Co., Ltd.
6.16 Donghua Automotive Industrial Co., Ltd.
Classification of Automotive Steering System
Comparison among Power Steering Systems by Energy Consumption
China’s Demand for Automotive Steering System, 2007-2016E
China’s Demand for Passenger Car Steering System, 2007-2016E
China Automotive Steering System Demand Structure, 2011-2015E
China Passenger Car Steering System Demand Structure, 2011-2015E
Capacity and Planning of Major Chinese Automotive Steering System Manufacturers, 2012 vs. 2015E
Major International Competitors of China Automotive Steering System Industry
Main Drive Modes of Passenger Car and Representative Models
Distribution of Chinese Cars by Drive Mode, 2013
Types of Passenger Car Front Suspension and Representative Models 
Distribution of Chinese Cars by Front Suspension Type, 2013
Types of Passenger Car Rear Suspension and Representative Models
Distribution of Chinese Cars by Power Type, 2013
Distribution of China’s Steering System for Departments of Cars by Power Type, 2013
Distribution of China’s Steering System for Grades of Cars by Power Type, 2013
China’s Import Volume and Value of Automotive Steering System Components, 2006-2012
Major Import Origins of China’s Automotive Steering System Components, 2012
China’s Export Volume and Value of Automotive Steering System Components, 2006-2012
Major Export Destinations of China’s Automotive Steering System Components, 2012
Vehicle Models Supported with Various EPS
China’s Passenger Car EPS Equipping Ratio, 2010-2015
Demand for EPS in China, 2007-2015E
Capacity of China’s Leading EPS Manufacturers, 2013
Distribution of Cars with EPS in China by Price, 2013
Distribution of Cars Equipped with EPS in China by Departments, 2013
Distribution of Cars Equipped with EPS in China by Model, 2013
China's Demand for Auto Hydraulic Steering System, 2007-2015E
Distribution of Cars with Mechanical-Hydraulic Power Steering System in China by Price, 2013
Distribution of Cars Equipped with Mechanical-Hydraulic Power Steering System in China by Departments, 2013
Distribution of Cars Equipped with Mechanical-Hydraulic Power Steering System in China by Model, 2013
Distribution of Cars with Electro-Hydraulic Power Steering System in China by Price, 2013
Distribution of Cars Equipped with Electro-Hydraulic Power Steering System in China by Departments, 2013
Distribution of Cars Equipped with Electro-Hydraulic Power Steering System in China by Model, 2013 
Capacity of China’s Leading EHPS Companies
Main Components of Automotive Steering System
Output and Sales Volume of China’s Leading Steering Gear Manufacturers, 2011
Output and Sales Volume of China’s Leading Steering Column Manufacturers, 2011
Capacity of China’s Leading Energy-absorbing Steering Device Manufacturers
Output and Sales Volume of China’s Leading Steering Wheel Manufacturers, 2011
Output and Sales Volume of China’s Leading Steering Knuckle Manufacturers, 2011
Output and Sales Volume of China’s Leading Steering Booster Manufacturers, 2011
Output and Sales Volume of China’s Leading Steering Tie Rod Manufacturers, 2011
Steering System Products of JTEKT
Operating Indicators of JTEKT, FY2008-FY2011
Sales of JTEKT, FY2007-FY2011
Net Income of JTEKT, FY2007-FY2011
Sales Breakdown of JTEKT by Department, FY2011
Sales Breakdown of JTEKT by Region, FY2011
Sales Breakdown of JTEKT by Region, FY2007-2011
Steering System Production Bases of JTEKT in China
Sales Volume and Supported Vehicle Models of Steering System Products of JTEKT Automotive (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., 2009-2011
Sales of ZF, 2008-2012
Sales Breakdown of ZF by Region, 2008-2011
Sales Breakdown of ZF by Department, 2008-2011
Sales Breakdown of ZF by Product, 2011
Workforce of ZF, 2008-2012
Sales of ZF Lenksysteme, 2008-2011
Sales Structure of ZF Lenksysteme by Product, 2011
Sales Structure of ZF Lenksysteme by Region, 2011
Sales Network of ZF (China)
Automotive Steering System Production Bases of ZF (China)
Sales Volume of Main Steering System Products of ZF (China), 2007-2011
Global Presence of NSK
Sales and Net Income of NSK, FY2007-FY2012
Sales Breakdown of NSK by Department, FY2012
Sales Breakdown of NSK by Department, FY2009-FY2013
Sales of NSK in China, FY2012-FY2013
Sales Breakdown of TRW by Department, 2010-2012
Revenue Structure of TRW by Product, 2012
Revenue Structure of TRW by Region, 2012
Main Clients of TRW, 2011-2012
Sales of TRW in China, 2010-2012
Sales and Net Income of Mando, 2011-2012
Sales Breakdown of Mando by Region, 2011-2012
Sales and EBIT of Mando, 2011-2012
Net Sales and Net Income of Delphi, 2010-2012
Sales Breakdown of Delphi by Department, 2010-2012
Sales Breakdown of Delphi by Region, 2012
Revenue and Gross Margin of Zhejiang Shibao, 2008-2012
Output, Sales Volume and Inventory of Zhejiang Shibao, 2011-2012
Revenue and Gross Margin of Main Products of Zhejiang Shibao, 2012
Operating Costs of Zhejiang Shibao, 2009-2012
Production Costs of Main Products of Zhejiang Shibao, 2011-2012
Steering System Production Bases and Operating Indicators of Zhejiang Shibao, 2012
Zhejiang Shibao’s Top Five Clients, 2012
Zhejiang Shibao’s Top Five Suppliers of Raw Materials, 2012
Major Clients of China Automotive Systems
Subsidiaries of China Automotive Systems
Capacity of Subsidiaries of China Automotive Systems
Net Sales and Gross Profit of China Automotive Systems, 2007-2011
Net Sales and Cost of Sales of Subsidiaries of China Automotive Systems, 2010-2011
Sales Volume of Zhuzhou ELITE Electro Mechanical, 2009-2017E
Output, Sales Volume and Supported Vehicle Models of Steering Gear of Zhejiang Wanda Steering Gear, 2006-2011
Output, Sales Volume and Supported Vehicle Models of Steering Column of Zhejiang Wanda Steering Gear, 2006-2010
Operating Indicators of Zhejiang Wanda Steering Gear, 2007-2009
Major Investment Projects of Zhejiang Wanda Steering Gear, 2011-2015E
Output, Sales Volume and Supported Vehicle Models of Steering Gear of Hubei Tri-Ring Motor Steering Gear, 2006-2011
Automotive Steering Gear Production Equipments of Guangzhou SHOWA Absorber
Output, Sales Volume and Supported Vehicle Models of Steering Gear of Guangzhou SHOWA Absorber, 2007-2011
Output, Sales Volume and Supported Vehicle Models of Steering Gear of Jiangmen Xingjiang Steering Gear, 2006-2011
Operating Indicators of Jiangmen Xingjiang Steering Gear, 2005-2009
Output and Sales Volume of Steering Gear of FAW Koyo Steering Systems, 2010-2011
Organizational Structure of AVIC-Xihang Yubei Steering System
Output, Sales Volume and Supported Vehicle Models of Steering Gear of AVIC-Xihang Yubei Steering System, 2007-2011
Ownership Structure of Yubei Koyo Steering System
Major Clients of Yubei Koyo Steering System
Output, Sales Volume and Supported Vehicle Models of Steering Gear of Yubei Koyo Steering System, 2007-2011
Operating Indicators of Tianjin Jinfeng Automobile Chassis Parts, 2004-2009
Operating Indicator of Zhejiang Fulin Guorun Auto Parts, 2006-2009
Output, Sales Volume and Supported Vehicle Models of Steering Gear of Chongqing Changfeng Machinery, 2006-2011
Output, Sales Volume and Supported Vehicle Models of Steering Gear of Anhui Finetech Machinery, 2006-2011
Operating Indicators of Anhui Finetech Machinery, 2006-2009
Output, Sales Volume and Supported Vehicle Models of Steering Gear of Hafei Industrial Group Automobile Redirector Obligate, 2006-2010
Operating Indicators of Hafei Industrial Group Automobile Redirector Obligate, 2004-2009
Output, Sales Volume and Supported Vehicle Models of Steering Gear of Donghua Automotive Industrial, 2008-2010
Capacity of Donghua Automotive Industrial, 2013
Product Sales Planning of Donghua Automotive Industrial, 2011-2015E

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