Global and China Li-ion Power Battery Industry Report, 2014-2016
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In 2013, the sales volume of global electric vehicles reached 228,000 vehicles, including 95,000 PHEVs and 133,000 BEVs. With the further promotion of electric vehicles globally, the sales volume will rise to 700,000 vehicles by 2016.

The global demand for electric vehicle power batteries came to 5,662MWh in 2013; however, following the rising electric vehicle sales and battery capacity per vehicle, the figure is expected to climb to 31,100MWh by 2016.

Currently, the global power batteries develop mainly in the following three technology roadmaps:
(1) Manganese-based. This type of batteries uses LMO as cathode materials. Typically, however, after modification treatment, they are mixed with a small amount of NCM or LNO to increase their energy density. This is mainly represented by the foreign companies—including LGC, AESC, and LEJ, as well as the Chinese company CITIC GUOAN MGL. Now, this has become the mainstream technology roadmap in the field of global electric vehicles.

(2) Ternary materials-based. This mainly takes NCA and NCM as cathode materials. NCM-based batteries have high energy density, but with higher costs than that of LMO batteries. The typical companies consist of SDI and SKI from abroad and the Chinese Lishen and Wangxiang Group, etc. NCA adopts 18650-type battery, which is mainly used in Tesla, with the highest energy density for now. But because of poor safety performance, the advanced BMS is needed to monitor the operating condition of the battery. Thus, the battery has not been widely used.

 (3) LFP-based. Canada and the United States were the first to develop power battery technology, with main patent owners including the U.S. Valence, A123 and University of Texas, and the Canadian Phostech and Hydro-Quebec. On the other hand, there are numerous power battery companies in China such as BYD and Hefei Guoxuan High-Tech Power Energy Co.,Ltd that adopt the LFP technology, but the LFP battery has many problems and was not made available around the world.

At present, manganese-series power battery consisting of NCM and LMO occupies the mainstream status on a global scale, with the cost of battery pack generally higher than USD600/kWh; the lower-cost NCA 18650 batteries fail to be popular with automakers due to safety issues; the similarly lower-cost LFP batteries, because of the poor comprehensive performance, are only popularized and used in China and the United States, while the U.S. automakers have gradually abandoned LFP batteries and turned on purchasing Mn-series batteries from Japanese and S. Korean companies.

There is no major technological breakthrough yet in power battery. The main driving factors for power battery price collapses are expected to come from the material cost reduction and scale effect, with relatively limited downslide potential.

China’s power battery shipments reached 533MWh in 2013, which increased by 61% year on year and accounted for less than 10% of the world’s total. At present the main demand comes from electric city bus. As the charging facilities are not perfect in China, the private electric passenger cars are rarely sold.
In terms of power battery companies, BYD and Guoxuan High-Tech have the shipments that have far exceeded those of their rivals. And BYD batteries are mainly used to support its own electric passenger cars and buses while Guoxuan High-Tech supplies batteries to JAC, Ankai Bus and other auto makers.

For power battery companies, winning the support of big carmakers is of the utmost importance from a global perspective. It is projected that electric buses will still be the main driving forces behind the development of China's power battery market for some time to come. How to penetrate the electric bus supply chain seems crucial.

动力电池 英文_副本.png

Global and China Li-ion Power Battery Industry Report , 2014-2016 by ResearchInChina mainly covers the followings:
20120114.gifAnalysis of industry chain, including the key materials, Cells, Pack & BMS, etc.;
20120114.gifAnalysis of technology roadmap, including battery cost, performance, and development directions, etc.;
20120114.gifMarket size, sales volume ,supply relationship, etc. of global and Chinese electrical vehicle industry;
20120114.gifShipment, market size, price, supply relationship, etc. of global and Chinese Li-ion Power Battery industry.
20120114.gifOperation, technology, development plan, production & marketing of nine lithium battery separator companies in the world, mainly of Korea, Japan and USA
20120114.gifOperation, technology, development plan, production & marketing of ten lithium battery separator companies in China.

1. Introduction to Power Lithium Battery
1.1 Power Battery Classification
1.2 Power Cell Structure

2. Power Lithium Battery Industry Chain Analysis
2.1 Industry Overview
2.2 Critical Materials
2.2.1 Cathode Materials
2.2.2 Anode Materials
2.2.3 Separator
2.2.4 Electrolyte
2.3 Cell
2.3.1 Cell Cost
2.3.2 Cell Capacity
2.3.3 Cell Structure
2.3.4 Supply Relationship
2.4.1 Battery Costs
2.4.2 BMS
2.5 Technology Roadmap
2.5.1 Cost Analysis
2.5.2 Selection of Technology Roadmap
2.5.3 Technology Trends

3. Global Electric Vehicle Market
3.1 Classification
3.1.1 Micro Hybrid (u-HEV)
3.1.2 Hybrid (HEV)
3.1.3 Plug-in Hybrid (PHEV)
3.1.4 Electric Vehicle (EV)
3.2 Global EV Market
3.2.1 Overview
3.2.2 USA
3.2.3 Europe
3.2.4 Japan
3.3 EV Market in China
3.3.1 Overview
3.3.2 Bus Market
3.4 Electric Vehicle Models

4. Global Power Lithium Battery Industry
4.1 Global Power Lithium Battery Industry
4.1.1 Demand
4.1.2 Price
4.1.3 Market Size
4.2 China Power Lithium Battery Industry
4.2.1 Demand
4.2.2 Price
4.2.3 Market Size
4.3 Power Lithium Battery Companies
4.3.1 Market Share
4.3.2 Supporting Relationship

5. Major Power Lithium Battery Manufacturers in Korea
5.1 LG Chemical
5.1.1 Profile
5.1.2 Battery Technology
5.1.3 Business Development and Outlook
5.1.4 Customer Analysis
5.1.5 Business Layout in China
5.1.6 Capacity and Output
5.2 SDI
5.2.1 Profile
5.2.2 Battery Technology
5.2.3 Business Development and Outlook
5.2.4 Customer Analysis
5.2.5 Business Layout in China
5.2.6 Capacity and Output
5.3 SK Innovation
5.3.1 Profile
5.3.2 Battery Technology
5.3.3 Development and Prospect
5.3.4 Business in China
5.3.5 Capacity and Output

6. Lithium-ion Power Battery Companies in Japan
6.1 Panasonic
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Battery Technology
6.1.3 Business Development and Prospect
6.1.4 Business Layout in China
6.1.5 Customer Analysis
6.1.6 Capacity and Output
6.2 AESC
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Battery Technology
6.2.3 Business Development and Outlook
6.2.4 Layout in China
6.2.5 Capacity and Output
6.3 LEJ
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Battery Technology
6.3.3 Business Development and Outlook
6.3.4 Customer Analysis
6.3.5 Capacity and Output

7. Major Power Lithium Battery Manufacturers in Europe and America
7.1 Li-Tec&Accumotive
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Battery Technology
7.1.3 Business Development and Outlook
7.1.4 Customer Analysis
7.2 A123
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Operation
7.2.3 Subsidiaries in China
7.3 Valence
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Operation
7.3.3 Latest Products
7.3.4 Subsidiaries in China

8. Major Chinese Power Battery Companies
8.1 Hefei Guoxuan High-tech Power Energy Co., Ltd
8.1.1 Profile
8.1.2 Battery Technology
8.1.3 Business Development and Prospects
8.1.4 Customers
8.1.5 Capacity and Output
8.2 BYD Company Co., LTD
8.2.1 Profile
8.2.2 Battery Technology
8.2.3 Application Fields
8.2.4 Customer Analysis
8.2.5 Capacity and Output
8.3 Beijing Pride Power System Technology
8.3.1 Profile
8.3.2 Technology
8.3.3 Business Development and Outlook
8.3.4 Customers
8.3.5 Capacity and Output
8.4 Tianjin Lishen Battery Joint-Stock Co., Ltd.
8.4.1 Profile
8.4.2 Battery Technology
8.4.3 Business Development and Outlook
8.4.4 Customers
8.4.5 Capacity and Output
8.5 China BAK Battery, Inc.
8.5.1 Profile
8.5.2 Battery Technology
8.5.3 Business Development and Outlook
8.5.4 Customers
8.5.5 Capacity and Output
8.6 Wanxiang EV
8.6.1 Profile
8.6.2 Battery Technology
8.6.3 Business Development and Outlook
8.6.4 Customers
8.7 Sinopoly Battery
8.7.1 Profile
8.7.2 Battery Technology
8.7.3 Business Development and Prospect
8.7.4 Customers
8.7.5 Capacity and Output
8.8 CITIC GUOAN Mengguli
8.8.1 Profile
8.8.2 Battery Technology
8.8.3 Business Development and Outlook
8.8.4 Capacity and Output
8.9 China Aviation Lithium Battery
8.9.1 Profile
8.9.2 Battery Technology
8.9.3 R&D
8.9.4 Business Development and Outlook
8.9.5 Customers
8.9.6 Capacity and Output
8.10 Amperex Technology
8.10.1 Profile
8.10.2 Battery Technology
8.10.3 Business Development and Outlook
Power-type and Capacity-type Power Lithium Battery Classification
Prismatic Cell Structure 
Cylindrical Cell Structure 
Pouch Cell Structure 
Power Lithium Battery Value Chain
Power Lithium Battery Production Process
Working Principle of Lithium Battery
Cost Structure of Lithium Battery
Shipment of Global Cathode Materials (by Product), 2006-2014
Chinese Cathode Material Price, 2010-2014
Market Share of Global Cathode Material Enterprises, 2013
Output Structure of Global Anode Materials, 2013
Market Share of Global Anode Material Enterprises, 2013
Technical Feature Comparison among Several Anode Materials
Common Electronics and Automobiles’ Consumption of Lithium Battery Separator
Global Shipment of Ordinary and High-performance Lithium Battery Separator, 2008-2016E
Global Separator Price, 2008-2016
Market Share of Global Lithium Battery Separator Enterprises, 2013
Global Power Battery Supporting Separator, 2013
Shipment of Global Lithium Battery Electrolyte, 2011-2016
Cost Structure of Lithium Battery Electrolyte
Market Share of Global LiPF6 Enterprises, 2013
Global LiPF6 Price, 2009-2016E
Market Share of Global Electrolyte Enterprises, 2013
Cost Structure of Lithium Battery Cells in China
Cost Reduction Trend of Lithium Battery Cells in China
Cells Used on Major Electrical Vehicle Models Worldwide, 2013
Single Cell Capacity Distribution of Mainstream Electric Vehicles Worldwide (Ah), 2013
Battery Structure of Mainstream Electric Vehicles Worldwide
Supply Chain of Key Materials of Global Cell Manufacturers, 2013
Supply Chain of Key Materials of Global Cell Manufacturers, 2013
Cost Decomposition of Lithium Battery Pack
Global Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies, Suppliers and Costs, 2013
The Falling Trend of Battery Cost of Tesla Model S
Major BMS Suppliers for Electrical Vehicles Worldwide
Metal Content of Cathode Materials in Different Technology Roadmaps
Cost Analysis of Cathode Materials in Different Technology Roadmaps
Performance of Lithium-Ion Battery Packs in Different Technology Roadmaps
Life Cycle of Cathode Material Products
Specifications of Cathode Materials in Different Technology Roadmaps
Development Trend in New Cathode Materials
Chemical Structure of Laminar Lithium-Rich Manganese-based Cathode Materials
Sales Volume of Global EVs by Country, 2013
Sales Volume of Global EVs, 2008-2016E
Sales Volume of EVS in the US by Model, 2013
Sales Volume of EVS in Europe by Model, 2013
Sales Volume of EVs in Japan by Model, 2013
Sales Volume of EVs in China, 2008-2016E
Proportion of China’s EVs in Global Total by Sales Volume, 2008-2016E
Plan for Promotion of EVs in China, 2014-2015E
Sales Volume of Electric City Buses and % of City Buses in China, 2009-2016E
Sales Volume of Electric Buses in China by Enterprise, 2012-2016E
Investment of Electric Buses in China, 2009-2014
Sales Volume of 40 Global Electric Passenger Vehicle Models, 2011-2013
Battery Capacity and Battery Life for 40 Global Electric Vehicle Models, 2013
Global EV Battery Capacity per Car, 2008-2016E
Global Demand for Automotive Battery, 2008-2016E
Global Lithium Battery Shipments (by Demand), 2008-2016E
Battery Pack Cost of Global Major EVs, 2013
Global Power Lithium Battery Pack Price, 2008-2016E
Global Power Lithium Battery Industry Scale, 2008-2016E
Global Lithium Battery Industry Scale, 2008-2016E
China’s Demand for Automotive Battery, 2011-2016E
China Power Lithium Battery Pack Price, 2008-2016E
China Power Lithium Battery Industry Scale, 2010-2016E
China Lithium Battery Industry Scale, 2008-2016E
Market Share of Battery Companies Supporting Global 40 EV Models, 2013
Shipments of Batteries for Global 40 EV Models, 2013
Market Share of Global Small Lithium Battery Companies, 2013
EU and US Power Lithium Battery Companies and Their Supported Models
S. Korean Power Lithium Battery Companies and Their Supported Models
Japanese Power Lithium Battery Companies and Their Supported Models
Chinese Power Lithium Battery Companies and Their Supported Models
Equity Structure of LGC, 2013
Operating Performance of LGC, 2007-2014Q2
Revenue of LGC by Region, 2013
Revenue Structure of LGC, 2012-2013
Material Costs Structure of LGC's PHEV Cel
LGC Road Map for HEV LIB Technology
LGC Road Map for PHEV LIB Technology
LGC Road Map for EV LIB Technology
Business Development and Outlook of LGC's Lithium Business
Operating Performance of LGCPI, 2010-2014
Operating Performance of HL Green Power, 2010-2014
Operating Performance of LGC's Battery Business, 2013Q1-2014Q2
Electrical Vehicles Supported by LGC's Power Lithium Batteries
Managing Organizations of LGC in China
Production and Sales Network of LGC in China
Shipment of LGC's Power and Energy Storage Batteries, 2011-2014 (MWh)
Equity Structure of SDI, 2013
Operating Performance of SDI, 2008-2014Q2
Revenue of SDI by Region, 2013
SDI Road Map for xEV LIB Technology
Technical Performance of SDI's Power Lithium Batteries
Development and Operating Performance of SDI's Battery Business, 2007-2014Q2
SDI's Battery Shipments and Average Selling Price, 2007-2014
SDI's Revenue of Power Batteries, 2013Q1-2014Q2
Electric Vehicles Supported by SDI's Power Lithium Batteries
SDI's Shipment of Power and Energy Storage Batteries (MWh), 2011-2014
Major Subsidiaries of SKI
Supported EV Models of SKI’s Lithium Power Battery
Equity Structure of BESK
Profile of BESK
Specifications of BESK’s Lithium Power Battery
Output, Capacity, and Capacity Ulitilization Rate of SKI’s Battery Material (Separator), 2009-2013
Operation Performance of Panasonic, FY2008/09- FY2013/14
R & D Costs of Panasonic, FY2008/09-FY2013/14
Revenue Breakdown of Panasonic by Segment, FY2008-FY2013
Operating Profit Breakdown of Panasonic by Segment, FY2008-FY2013
Revenue Breakdown of Panasonic by Region, FY2013
Specifications of Panasonic’s NCA 18650 Cell Applied in Tesla
Cost Strucuture of Panasonic’s PHEV Cell
Developemnt Plan of Panasonic’s Automotive Batteries, FY2013-FY2019
Development Plan of Panasonic’s Automobile Segment, FY2013- FY2019
Developemnt Plan of Panasonic by Segment, FY2013-FY2019
Supported Electric Vehicles of Panasonic’s Lithium-ion Power Battery
Deliveries of Tesla’s Electric Vehicle, 2010-2016
Shipment of Panasonic’s Power Battery and Energy-storage Battery (MWh), 2011-2014
Equity Structure of AESC, 2013
Costs Structure of AESC BEV Cell Materials
AESC Power Lithium-ion Battery Module Structure
Specifcication and Connecton of AESC High-capacity Power Battery
Performance Parameter of AESC High-capacity Power Battery
Specifcication and Connection of AESC High Power Battery
Performance Parameter of AESC High Power Battery
AESC Power Battery System Solutions
Supporting Electric Vehicles of AESC Power Lithium-Ion Battery
Shipments of AESC Power and Energy Storage Battery (MWh), 2011-2014E
Equity Structure of LEJ, 2013
Specifications of LEJ Power Lithium Batteries
Electric Vehicles Supported by LEJ's Power Lithium Batteries
LEJ's Shipment of Power and Energy Storage Batteries (MWh), 2011-2014
Specifications of Li-Tec's High-Capacity Power Batteries
Performance Parameters of Li-Tec's High-Capacity Power Batteries
Li-Tec's Power Battery Plant in Kamenz, Germany
History of A123Systems
Revenue and Gross Profit of A123Systems, FY2007- FY2012
Electric Vehicles Supported by A123's Power Lithium Batteries
Revenue of Subsidiaries of A123Systems in China
Project Investment of Changzhou Gaobo, 2005-2008
Revenue and Net Profit of Valence, FY2008-FY2012
Operation of Valence’s Subsidiaries in China
Equity Structure of Guoxuan
Operating Performance of Guoxuan, 2009-2013
Technical Parameters for Guoxuan’s LFP Cathode Materials
Specification Parameters for Guoxuan’s LFP Power Cells
Technical Parameters for Models Supported by Guoxuan’s Power Batteries
Power/Energy Storage Battery Output, Capacity and Capacity Utilization of Guoxuan, 2009-2013
Capacity and Investment Plan of Guoxuan, 2009-2013
Operating Performance of BYD, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of BYD (by Business), 2012-2013
Gross Margin of BYD (by Business), 2009-2013
Major Characteristics of BYD Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery
Capacity, Weight and Cost of BYD Automotive Battery Pack
Lithium Battery Capacity and Weight of BYD Electric Forklifts
Lithium Battery Capacity of BYD ESS
Lithium Battery Capacity of BYD EPS
Sales Volume of BYD Electric Vehicle (by Model), Jan. 2013-May 2014
Sales Volume of BYD Electric Vehicles, 2011-2017
Battery Demand of BYD Electric Vehicle (MWh), 2011-2017
Output, Capacity and Capacity Utilization of BYD Power and Storage Battery, 2011-2017
Equity Structure of Pride, 2013
Operating Performance of Pride, 2011-2013
Performance Parameters of Pride’s Power Battery Pack
Equity Structure of Lishen
Operating Performance of Lishen, 2011-2013
Technology Roadmap for Power Cell of Lishen
Technology Roadmap for Power Battery Pack of Lishen
Performance Parameters of Spiral Wound Power Cell of Lishen
Performance Parameters of Laminated Power Cell of Lishen
Performance Parameters of Polymer Power Cell of Lishen
Technical Parameters of Power Cell of Lishen
Customers of Lishen’s Power Battery
Performance Parameters of Power Battery Pack of Lishen
Lithium Battery Capacity of Lishen, 2000-2013
Investment Plan for Power Battery of Lishen, 2012-2014
Operating Performance of CHINA BAK BATTERY, 2008-Q1 2014
Revenue Structure of CHINA BAK BATTERY (by Regions), 2009-2013
R & D Costs and % of Total Revenue of China BAK Battery, 2010-2013
Technical Parameters of Power Cell of China BAK Battery
Basic Information of BAK International (Tianjin) Limited
Basic Information of BAK Power Battery (Dalian)
Sales of High-power Lithium Battery Cells of China BAK Battery, 2009-2013
Investment Plan of High-power Lithium Battery Cells of China BAK Battery, 2013-2014
Revenue and Gross Margin of Sinopoly Battery, 2011-2013
Net Income of Sinopoly Battery, 2011-2013
Specifications of Sinopoly’s Power Cell
Operating Results of CITIC GUOAN Mengguli, 2009-2013
Technical Parameters of Cathode Materials of CITIC GUOAN Mengguli
Technical Parameters of Power Battery Modules of CITIC GUOAN Mengguli
Equity Structure of China Aviation Lithium Battery, 2013
Operating Results of China Aviation Lithium Battery, 2010-2013
Pure Electric Vehicle BMS of China Aviation Lithium Battery
Battery Certification of China Aviation Lithium Battery
Global Marketing Network of China Aviation Lithium Battery
Major Customers of China Aviation Lithium Battery
Basic Information of Amperex Technology Limited

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Next-generation Zonal Communication Network Topology and Chip Industry Research Report, 2024

The in-vehicle communication architecture plays a connecting role in automotive E/E architecture. With the evolution of automotive E/E architecture, in-vehicle communication technology is also develop...

Autonomous Delivery Industry Research Report, 2024

Autonomous Delivery Research: Foundation Models Promote the Normal Application of Autonomous Delivery in Multiple Scenarios Autonomous Delivery Industry Research Report, 2024 released by ResearchInCh...

Global Autonomous Driving Policies & Regulations and Automotive Market Access Research Report, 2024

Intelligent driving regulations and vehicles going overseas: research on regional markets around the world and access strategies.    "Going out”: discussion about regional markets aroun...

China Passenger Car HUD Industry Report, 2024

HUD research: AR-HUD accounted for 21.1%; LBS and optical waveguide solutions are about to be mass-produced.  The automotive head-up display system (HUD) uses the principle of optics to display s...

Ecological Domain and Automotive Hardware Expansion Research Report, 2024

Automotive Ecological Domain Research: How Will OEM Ecology and Peripheral Hardware Develop? Ecological Domain and Automotive Hardware Expansion Research Report, 2024 released by ResearchInChina ...

C-V2X and CVIS Industry Research Report, 2024

C-V2X and CVIS Research: In 2023, the OEM scale will exceed 270,000 units, and large-scale verification will start.The pilot application of "vehicle-road-cloud integration” commenced, and C-V2X entere...

Automotive Intelligent Cockpit Platform Configuration Strategy and Industry Research Report, 2024

According to the evolution trends and functions, the cockpit platform has gradually evolved into technical paths such as cockpit-only, cockpit integrated with other domains, cockpit-parking integratio...

Analysis on Huawei's Electrification, Connectivity, Intelligence and Sharing,2023-2024

Analysis on Huawei's Electrification, Connectivity, Intelligence and Sharing: Comprehensive layout in eight major fields and upgrade of Huawei Smart Selection The “Huawei Intelligent Driving Business...

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