GRS to launch clinical trial management course in China and Europe

   Date:2008/02/18     Source:
US-based contract research organization, Global Research Services (GRS) announced the successful US launch of a clinical trial management on-line training initiative in collaboration with the University of Rochester Medical Center. The web-based, interactive course entitled "Managing Clinical Trials: A Comprehensive Continuing Education Course for Healthcare Professionals" focuses on providing key knowledge of managing human trials in drug development.
Similar course offering will be available in China by summer 2008. China's increased participation in global drug development and the recent cooperative agreements with China's SFDA and the US FDA positions GRS and the University of Rochester with an opportunity to provide comprehensive clinical-research training in Asia. GRS and the University of Rochester are currently in negotiations with three major Chinese medical universities. Expansion of course offerings into Eastern Europe is expected by fourth quarter 2008.
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