China made 3 green policies

   Date:2008/02/27     Source:
China's environmental watchdog blacklisted 141 products on Febuary 26th for causing serious pollution or posing serious environmental risks.

The list included products closely linked to people's daily life, such as mirex, DDT and nickel-cadmium cell, said Pan Yue, deputy director of the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA).He noted the blacklisting would help boost a "green trading" system that is fully adaptable to the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Besides the green trading system, China has introduced three other green policies -- in securities, insurance and credit -- in a bid to solve severe environmental problems through economic measures.

The green securities policy, which was made public on Febuary 25th, stipulated highly-polluting companies must pass environmental inspections when applying for an initial public offering (IPO) or refinancing.

The green insurance system, which aimed to have all industries with pollution risks insured, would be implemented nationwide by 2015 after a trial period. The goal would be to have insurers compensate victims of environmental accidents, avoid bankruptcy by the polluting company and lessen the government's financial burden.

The green credit policy was launched in July. It instructed banks to limit lending to energy-intensive, polluting industries. Under this policy, companies with violations could be barred from getting loans and those with outstanding loans could have them called in.

There was no pharmaceutical products included in the list of 141 blacklisted products. But we can see that the environmental protection policies should be implemented strictly. The production of APIs would be affected more or less in a period. Now some APIs manufactures lowed the output for meeting the requirements of environmental protection.

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