Agria stocks rise after sales forecasts

   Date:2008/02/28     Source:

NYSE-listed Agria Corporation<GRO>, an innovative China-based agri-solutions provider, rose 12% to US $8.47 after it announced that it expects fourth-quarter revenue to reach the high end of its earlier predictions.

The company had expected to achieve a revenue of between approximately RMB 238 million (US$ 31.8 million) and RMB 253 million (US$33.8 million) for the fourth quarter of 2007, representing year-over-year growth in the range of 60% to 70%, respectively, compared to RMB 149 million in the fourth quarter of 2006.

The growth was led by strong corn seed sales, as the fourth quarter is usually the strongest period for this segment due to the annual harvest and sales cycle.

Based on the sales orders received, Agria now expects revenue in the first quarter of 2008 will be approximately 15% above the first quarter of 2007, or approximately RMB 136 million (US$17.9 million).

Agria focuses on research and development, production and distribution of three different types of upstream agricultural products. Its diversified portfolio of products comprises of corn seeds, sheep breeding and seedlings, including proprietary products developed through its own research and development capabilities.

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