Sandoz to market Rockeby's Pepp in China

   Date:2008/05/01     Source:
Rockeby biomed Ltd, a Singapore-based, ASX-listed healthcare company has appointed Sandoz China, a subsidiary of Shanghai Novartis Trading Ltd, as its exclusive distributor for Pepp in China. Sandoz is marketing Pepp as a food product in over 1600 pharmacy outlets in the coastal cities of Guangdong, Shenzhen, Beijing and Shanghai. 
Pepp is an all-natural health supplement that helps protect and nourish the liver by promoting speedy removal of toxins, promoting general health and eliminating bad breath. It is a natural enzyme-based health supplement containing alcohol dehydrogenase, manufactured from a bio-fermentation process.
Dr Tan Sze Wee, Chief Executive Officer, Rockeby biomed Ltd, said, "The launch of Pepp in Singapore was very successful and about 70,000 people in Singapore have already sampled the product.  In view of this and with the large population base in China, I am confident that Pepp will be a popular health supplement as the marketing of the product picks up momentum over the next few months".
In Singapore, Rockeby is marketing Pepp through local pharmacy chains Guardian, Unity and Watson Pharmacies, and the 7-Eleven convenience outlets.
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