Aida Pharmaceuticals Updated Rh-Apo2L Testing

   Date:2008/05/01     Source:
Aida Pharmaceuticals, Inc. announced that the Company is compiling data for its Phase 2 testing results of Rh-Apo2L and expects to announce the findings within the next month. The Company previously announced that the target cancers for the drug have been determined and initial results are extremely positive. The cancer targets that the Company has chosen are ailments which Rh-Apo2L has shown the most efficacy and which have the most market potential. The Company previously announced that Rh-Apo2L testing results have shown strong efficacy in treating non-small cell lung cancer, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer and kidney cancer.

The Company intends to immediately file for Phase 3 clinical testing with the People's Republic of China's State Food and Drug Administration after the announcement of the findings from Phase 2 testing. The Company anticipates that the Chinese government will then allow for the commencement of Phase 3 testing within two to three months after the Phase 2 results are published. Phase 3 testing will entail large-volume tests on over 300 patients and is the last step before it may be commercially sold in the People's Republic of China.

Rh-Apo2L is a pioneering biotechnology gene therapy drug used to treat certain forms of cancer. This biopharmaceutical drug has gained the attention of researchers and clinical professionals throughout the People's Republic of China who are observing the drug for potential replacement of surgery and radiation therapy for cancer. Potentially, over 8 million lives can be saved each year in the People's Republic of China by this drug.

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