Fixed-Packaged Food Must be Affixed with Nutrition Labelling

   Date:2008/05/01     Source:

From May 1, the "food nutrition labelling regulations" will be formally implemented, the future of food packaging must be marked on the eye-catching location of nutrients. Designation of nutrition labelling should be true, objective, and shall not be false, not to exaggerate the role of nutrition products. Any product tagged and publicity are not allowed to nutrition and claimed that the term means to revise and add, are not allowed to express or imply that the role of medical treatment.

May 1 this year has been the production of food labelling, which do not meet this requirement, you can use to limit May 1, 2010, can sell its packaged food to durability The end. It is understood that the fish, meat, vegetables, fruit and other fresh food, spices and baking bread, and so is the system now is the sale of food, nutrition labelling can not marked.

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