Longquan Peach Sales Drop 30% Due to the Earthquake

   Date:2008/05/26     Source:

It is reported from Longquan district, due to the earthquake,cargo flights to reduce, purchaser become to decline.which is now listed a large number of peaches and other fruit in poor sales, sales may be lower than in previous years about 30%.

It is understood that 80 percent of Longquanyi District in Chengdu, peaches sold. The quake of the hardest hit Mianyang, Guangyuan, Deyang, Aba, the Dujiangyan, and other places is important to the secondary market, the direct impact of the earthquake Longquan about 30% of the fruit sales and transportation. "It is estimated that this year the Longquan peaches, grapes, pears and other fruits to the total quantity of high-yielding more than 270 million kilograms." Currently, the agricultural sector Longquanyi District has organized people to Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai, to promote and organize peach festival, mining Fruit Festival activities.

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