China Sky One launches nasal drop, pain relief lotion

   Date:2010/05/04     Source:

Singapore, Apr 22, 2010: China Sky One Medical, a pharmaceutical company producing over-the-counter drugs in China, has commenced the commercial launch of Oxymetazoline hydrochloride nasal drops and Moschus liniment for pain relief.

Oxymetazoline nasal drops, a generic drug, is to treat acute and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis and allergic rhinitis. Moschus liniment is a TCM product developed in-house, which is used to relieve the pain from scathe, wound, rheumatism and arthrosis.

According to the company, the two products are estimated to have a market size of over $300 million each. The company said that it would analyze and summarize the marketing and sales activities following the trial stage and establish a formal sales plan soon.

Mr Yan-Qing Liu, Chairman and CEO of China Sky One Medical, said the company anticipates that the two new products would contribute roughly $1 million to its total revenues in 2010. “We continue our efforts to commercialize 11 additional drugs in our R&D pipeline in order to support sustainable, long term growth,” added Mr Liu.

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