Gome Signs RMB 9.3b Contract for LG Goods

   Date:2010/05/27     Source:

Gome (0493.HK) signed a RMB 9.3 billion procurement contract for 2009 with LG Electronics (066570.SEO), representing a 90% annual increase in value, Techweb.com.cn reported May 26. The retailer agreed to spend RMB 4 billon on TV procurements, RMB 1 billion on air conditioning units, RMB 1.5 billion for mobile phone deliveries and a combined RMB 2.8 billion on refrigerators and washing machines.

Earlier reports said home appliance and electronics retailer Suning (002024.SZ) and Samsung Electronics (5930.SEO) are targeting 2010 sales of RMB 10 billion. Suning also established partnership with Midea Electric Appliance (000527.SZ) and Haier Electronic Group (1169.HK, 600690.SH) this year.


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