SFDA Exposes 30 Illegal Chinese Drug Selling Websites

   Date:2010/06/07     Source:

China's State Food and Drug Administration has published a bulletin in which it exposes 30 websites that have been allegedly selling fake medicines.

The 30 websites are reportedly 533npx.net, bjtfw.com/index.asp, npx996.com, www.bysz120.com, jstfw.com, ylb008.com, gjgbw.com.cn, tongfeng120.net.cn, qlxkf999.com, gxy886.com, ylbkfzx.com, gaoxueya120.net.cn, sm68.com.cn, pfb999.cn, zaoxie1.cn/index.html, gxy9991.com, qjy120.cn/index.html, ddzzl.com, xxa988.com, 999qlx.cn, gxy991.cn, oktnb120.com/ebkf120/medical.asp, pfb369.cn, zsyy666.com, ttsm010.com, sdykd120.com, qh9999.com, xingbing123.net.cn, tongfengling.com and pjszl.com/ypjs.asp.

SFDA found out during its routine inspections that these websites were involved in releasing false information and selling fake medicines, sometimes under the guise of other companies. SFDA said these websites were penalized in 2009 but they continued their illegal businesses by changing domain names or altering their IP addresses.

SFDA reminds consumers to choose officially registered hospitals or drug stores to buy medicines and take medicines under the instruction of physicians in China. Meanwhile, SFDA continues to pursue the owners of these illicit websites.

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