China Nepstar to distribute Gummy Bear

   Date:2010/09/02     Source:

Chinese biopharma company Niusule Biotech has signed a distribution agreement with retail drugstore chain, China Nepstar.

The agreement, which took effect on Aug 25, 2010, involves the distribution of Niusule's nutrition supplement product, Gummy Bear, throughout Nepstar's 55 stores in Hangzhou. In the near future, the company will extend its sales through Nepstar's extensive network to Shanghai, Ninbo, Tianjing and Suzhou.

"We are honored that Nepstar has chosen our Gummy Bear products to expand its fine selection of nutrition supplement products nationally," said Ms Amy Hu, CEO of Niusule. "Their professional sales team and reputation for outstanding customer service in the drugstore industry, coupled with their years of extensive business and trade experience, will be a valuable asset for the growth and the promotion of Gummy Bear. The domestic nutrition product market for children is extremely large, and we believe that the cooperation with Nepstar will be a tremendous asset as we continue to expand our footprint in the industry."

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