IMF to promote myeloma awareness in China

   Date:2010/09/10     Source:

The International Myeloma Foundation (IMF), an organization dedicated to improving the life and care of myeloma patients, has signed a cooperative agreement with the Chinese Health Promotion Foundation (CHPF), an agency that operates under the Chinese Ministry of Health, to promote awareness of myeloma in China and to encourage measures to prevent and combat the disease. This groundbreaking agreement substantially expands the IMF’s presence in Asia and will support the thousands of myeloma patients in China. The agreement was signed at a ceremony in Beijing.

“Chinese health authorities clearly recognize the significance of myeloma in their country, and we are honored and gratified that they acknowledge the role the IMF can play in supporting patients, disseminating information and encouraging research,” said Susie Novis, President and Co-Founder of the IMF.

Initial goals of the agreement include: Developing a scientific advisory committee of Chinese myeloma experts, Compiling data about the incidence and costs of myeloma in China, Developing Chinese language materials about myeloma for distribution in print and via website. Longer-range goals of this joint effort include establishing a Myeloma Patient Society in China and hosting a regional conference on myeloma for health care experts in Asia.

On behalf of the CHPF, Dr Zhao Yanling, Head of International Relations noted, “The mission of the CHPF is to bring together Chinese medical experts to raise the health standard of the Chinese people, and we can think of no better partner to work with us on behalf of myeloma patients than the IMF.”

Myeloma, also called multiple myeloma, is a cancer of cells in the bone marrow that affect blood cell production and can damage bone. Once a rare disease of the elderly, multiple myeloma is being diagnosed in growing numbers and in increasingly younger people.


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