Number of Chinese stroke victims underestimated?

   Date:2010/10/27     Source:
The number of stroke victims in China is probably higher than the official figures, a leading expert has told a forum, chaired by Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) and the US National Institute of Health, on hypertension and strokes in Beijing. Prof Gu Dongfeng, of the Chinese National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, reportedly reckoned the number of Chinese afflicted by strokes had been underestimated. According to statistics issued by the Ministry of Health in May this year, China has 2 million new stroke cases each year. As the official number of stroke victims was estimated from sample surveys, the reality could be worse, Prof Dongfeng was reported as saying. Prof Dongfeng said hypertension and strokes were the leading causes of death and disability in China. According to China Health statistics, the number of stroke deaths each year accounts for more than 20 percent of total deaths. About two-thirds of stroke survivors suffer varying degrees of disability. The forum is aimed at exchanging information on hypertension research and discussing future cooperation.
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