Huawei sets up cyber security center in UK

   Date:2010/12/06     Source:
HUAWEI Technologies has established a cyber security center in the United Kingdom to evaluate hardware and software, the key step for the company to expand in the overseas market, the China's No. 1 telecommunications equipment maker said today.

The center, based in Banbury of UK, is expected to ease security concerns from overseas governments and help the Shenzhen-based firm to export telecommunications gears to the foreign countries, industry insiders said.

The center will help Huawei ensure their products meet UK government security standards, the company's statement said.

"This centre is like a glasshouse – transparent, readily accessible, and open to regulators and our customers," John Frieslaar, managing director of Huawei's new center, said in the statement.

Chinese firms, including Huawei and ZTE Corp, have grown rapidly in the global telecommunication center in the recent years. But they also faced bans and blocks in the overseas markets, like India, for state security reasons.

Huawei has set up a joint venture on security with Symantec Inc, the globe's biggest Internet security provider. At present, the joint venture's half revenue comes from overseas markets, according to Enrique Salem, Symantec's president and chief executive.
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