China rolls two more mobile TV specs

Chinese mobile TV technologies are competing for a shot to prove their worth at the 2008 Olympics at Beijing.

The competitors are Terrestrial-Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting (T-MMB), a derivative of South Korea's Terrestrial-Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, and STiMi, short for satellite and terrestrial interaction multimedia.

Supported by academic-industrial coalitions in China, the mobile TV technologies will compete with more established global standards being tested in Chinese cities: Europe's DVB-Handheld and South Korea's T-DMB. They will also compete against a handheld derivative of a soon-to-be-approved terrestrial digital TV standard, known as DMB-T/H, developed here.

T-MMB was jointly developed by Beijing-based software firm Nufrontsoft. It is supposedly compatible with DAB-based T-DMB. The spec supports frequencies from 30 MHz to 3 GHz and a prototype chip is ready, with samples expected in 2007.

STiMi supports the S- and UHF/VHF bands and will use both satellites and terrestrial relays to implement coverage.


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