Dental implant market in China and India sees explosive growth

   Date:2011/03/02     Source:
According to a new report series by iData Research, the leading global authority in dental, medical device and pharmaceutical market research, the Chinese and Indian markets for dental implants and final abutments grew by 34 percent in 2010, and is expected to continue to see the fastest dental implant growth rates worldwide reaching almost $400 million by 2017. Strong, double-digit growth in dental implant use is also expected in other emerging markets such as Brazil. Companies such as Straumann and Nobel Biocare are leading the Chinese and Indian dental implant markets respectively. "The de-regulation of dental care services in China and India has fueled growth of private dental clinics in major urban centers," says Dr Kamran Zamanian, CEO of iData. "In addition, the low cost of labor has kept implant procedural costs relatively low, promoting dental tourism from countries such as Japan, South Korea and Australia, which combined, will spend over $6 billion annually on dental implants and the cost of procedures by 2017." Furthermore, rapid implant growth is fueling dental biomaterials and bone-graft-substitute use. The number of implant procedures using bone-grafting material in India and China will reach almost 400,000 by 2017. Similarly, dental implant procedures using bone-graft-substitute material in Brazil will more than double in volume to over 2 million procedures in 2017. Dr Zamanian also noted, "Brazil will see a rapid increase in implant procedures due to the demand for improved aesthetics, leading international manufacturers to compete for share of this market. However local Brazilian manufacturers have kept the average selling price low, limiting the market's overall size and creating a barrier to entry. These Brazilian manufacturers, such as Neodent and Sin Implant Systems, are now looking to expand into international markets." iData's recently published 2011 5-report series includes: Asia-Pacific, India, China, and Latin American Markets for Dental Implants, Final Abutments and Bone-Graft-Substitutes.
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