First China Pharma foresees strong year of growth ahead

   Date:2011/03/04     Source:
Chinese drug company First China Pharmaceutical Group recently brought together all key managers and employees for a day long series of meetings aimed at reviewing recent events and to put forward and discuss plans for the last quarter of fiscal 2010 (ending March 31, 2011) and fiscal 2011 (ending March 31, 2012). During the meetings it was clearly identified that the company intends to capitalize on its recent achievements in order to secure additional funding. Management has projected that capital investment will permit the company to rapidly increase its product line from the existing threshold of 5,000 products to over 30,000 items. This increase, management believes, combined with infrastructural investments and increases in marketing and advertising could result in $50 million in sales from its XYT subsidiary alone in the next 12 months, with potentially $100 million in sales projected over 24 months. Perhaps most importantly, the company believes that real growth will come as a result of its ability to close timely acquisition agreements allowing for the widespread national proliferation and replication of First China's business model throughout China. Many of the acquisitions targeted boast sales in the range of $10 million to $40 million. Management believes that if the Company successfully completes some of these acquisitions, it could lead to an additional $25-75 million in sales within 12 months of their respective closings. In a summary of achievements, it was noted that in the short period since the Company acquired Kun Ming Xin Yuan Tang Pharmacies last September 15th, First China has rapidly gone on to meet or exceed all its initial goals with the signing of 17 new Hospital distributor agreements, acquire two exclusive drug distributorship agreements, initiate plans for the acquisition of the high profile De Xin Pharmacy with plans to convert it into a flagship retail distribution outlet, launched expansion plans outside Yunnan Province by entering into pending agreements to acquire a strategically located distributor, Shandong Run Kang Pharmaceutical Co. Inc., and set out to expand core facilities and hire new employees to assist sales, logistics and management growth needs. First China's chairman and CEO Mr Zhen Jiang Wang comments, "Our meetings were extremely positive and the excitement was palpable. It was clear to everyone that our recent achievements should be perceived against the unexpected and unprecedented Government Health Care reforms instructing institutional health care providers to rapidly move towards agreements with large volume pharmaceutical distributors like First China. Additional initiatives introducing new policies to encourage private funds, including overseas capital, to be channeled into the medical sector have generated extraordinary optimism and opportunities in the sector and Company management extensively discussed participation plans towards developing a leadership role in the growing marketplace."
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