Ajisen Admits Broths Were Made From Concentrates


July 25 -- Ajisen (China) Holdings (00538.HK) admitted that their broths were made from concentrates, reports sina.com.cn. 

Local media had recently reported that Ajisen Raman used cheap powders and other instant seasoning for its broths, instead of boiling pig bones for hours as its advertisements suggested. 

Ajisen (China) Holdings stressed that the concentrates were made through a strict boiling process, and were made from high quality raw materials. 

An investor relations manager from Ajisen (China) Holdings said that the concentrates were supplied by a Japanese soup maker. 

One kilogram of the concentrates could be used to make 100 bowls of noodle soup. 

Shares of the company fell 6.92 percent to close at HK$16.4 today.


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