Oil supplies to China to be 27% under target in 2006


Supplies of Russian oil to China in 2006 will amount to 11 million tonnes, which is 4 million tonnes less than planned.

At the start of the year the main suppliers of oil to China-Rosneft and Yukos-Transservice applied to transport 15 million tonnes of oil through the Naushk and Zabaikalsk border crossings, but according to the latest forecasts only 11 million tonnes will be transported.

Rosneft  planned  to  transport  8.8  million  tonnes  of  oil  and  is transporting  on target. The reduction is expected due to transportation levels by Yukos-Transservice. For 2007 Rosneft has applied to transport about 9 million tonnes of oil to China, but this application has not yet been approved. 

Yukos has not yet confirmed its application. East-Siberian Railways is able to transport up to 20 million tonnes of oil to China, and in the future - up to 30 million tonnes.


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