Poor sleep affects high blood pressure in men


BEIJING, Aug. 30 (Xinhuanet) -- Men who are light sleepers are at increased risk for developing high blood pressure, suggests a study published Monday in Hypertension: Journal of the American Heart Association.

Researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School found that men who got less deep sleep, also called slow-wave sleep, had an 80-percent higher chance of having high blood pressure compared to men with higher levels of slow-wave sleep.

The link held regardless of other factors, such as obesity or how long the men slept. “People should recognize that sleep, diet and physical activity are critical to health, including heart health and optimal blood pressure,” said lead researcher Susan Redline in a statement.

“Our study shows for the first time that poor quality sleep, reflected by reduced slow-wave sleep, puts individuals at significantly increased risk of developing high blood pressure,” she said.

“Although the elderly often have poor sleep, our study shows that such a finding is not benign,” she added.


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