Colombian oil company discovers new well in Meta


BOGOTA, Sept. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Colombian oil company Ecopetrol Monday announced it had discovered a new oil well in the Cano Sur exploration block in the country's southeastern Meta Province.

Ecopetrol said an initial test at the CSE-8 ST exploratory well, located in Meta's town of Puerto Gaitan, resulted in a proven production of 532 barrels of heavy crude oil per day.

"Ecopetrol has in the Llanos Orientales Basin seen a great potential in heavy crude oil that is commercially viable for exploitation, and we are very satisfied with the results achieved from this well in its initial tests," said Javier Gutierrez, Ecopetrol's president.

Ecopetrol said the newly discovered well is the most productive among those discovered in Cano Sur so far during 2011.

Ecopetrol is the sole owner and operator of the Cano Sur block after signing an exploration contract in 2005 with Colombia's state-controlled National Hydrocarbons Agency.


Source:Xiong Tong

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