Premier Wen, WEF chairman deliver speech in 2011 Dalian Davos


The 2011 Summer Davos has begun this morning in the coastal city of Dalian, in northeast China. With concerns over the global economy still mounting, what better time for an economic forum that brings together government and business leaders, to work towards solutions.

Chinese Premier, Wen Jiabao, and chairman of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, delivered key note speeches at the opening of the forum.

Premier Wen expressed confidence on China's economic development, and stressed the quality of development and living standards. He says China will focus more on improving the quality of life of its citizens, and common economic wealth.

Wen said, "All that we do is to enable all the people to have better lives. And this is the criteria to measure the performance of all our work. Our goal is to bring the benefit of development to all."

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao shakes hands with chairman of the World Economic Forum Klaus

Premier Wen also says, China can not develop itself without the world, and the world also needs China for its development. He reiterates that China's opening up to the outside world is a long-term commitment, and this will not change.

The Premier noted that the world economy is slowly recovering, but uncertainties and destabilizing factors are also growing. To overcome the crisis, he says people need to have confidence, strength of cooperation and live up to their responsibilities.

He adds, the major economic economies should adopt responsible and effective fiscal and monetary policies, properly handle debt issues, ensure the safety and stability the markets, and maintain investor confidence around the world.

Source:Li Wanran

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