China corn production volume levels out while demand rises 


China is one of the largest producers of corn in the world. Its annual production makes up 18-20% of the world total and the output in the 2005/2006 co-opping year is foreseen to be 1.3 hundred million tons.

The annual consumption of corn for feed has seen around 3% growth in recent years and the annual consumption of corn for industrial use has seen over 10% growth. Corn supply has remained unchanged but the demand has been on the rise. Will this affect the future development of the feed industry and further processing of corn? Will China shift from a net exporter to a net importer of corn? What trends will affect the Chinese corn market in 2006? These issues shall be addressed by this report.

Further corn processing based on corn starch, disnatured starch ethanol and starch sugar enjoyed positive development in China in 2005 yet competition among processing enterprises intensified. There was a constant stream of mergers and much restructuring activity.



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