Outlook for OECD darkens


THE outlook for the world's major economies is continuing to darken according to the latest data from the OECD published yesterday, which showed sharp falls in leading indicators for all countries except Japan.

The Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said its composite leading indicator (CLI) for its 33 member countries dropped for a fifth straight month in August, hitting 100.8 after 101.4 in July and signaling a slowdown in economic activity.

Individual country readings fell across the board, including for non-OECD member countries, with most seeing their CLIs drop below their long-term average of 100.

Only Germany, Russia and the United States kept readings above 100.

Japan, meanwhile, stood out as the only country not yet headed for a clear slowdown, registering a modest 1-point decline in its CLI to 102.5 from 102.6.



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